Praise the Beast

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Band Name Azarath
Album Name Praise the Beast
Type Album
Data de lançamento 25 Maio 2009
Estilo de MúsicaBrutal Death
Membros têm este álbum103


 I Hate Your Kind
 Sacrifice of Blood
 Praise the Beast
 Queen of the Sabbath
 Unholy Trinity
 Obey the Flesh
 Throne of Skulls
 From Beyond the Coldest Star

 Ave Satanas (Acheron Cover)

Total playing time: 45:41

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Crítica @ GandhiEgo

09 Junho 2009
Polish Azarath have been vomiting their Brutal Death Metal for a full decade now. Created more or less upon the ashes of Damnation, the band’s line-up consists notably of the formidable Inferno, Behemoth’s official drums pounder. Until now shadowed by Poland’s greatest DM leaders (Behemoth, Vader, Decapitated,…), Azarath have still nonetheless released very good records, especially the devastating Diabolic Impious Evil. For this fourth album, Bruno and fellow henchmen left Pagan Records, that previously released their previous offerings, to sign for Agonia Records, a more Black Metal orientated label (Impiety, Thornspawn, Kapein,…), nothing too surprising although for a band that always puts its evil inclinations upfront.

The incredible potential of destruction previously seen on the too underrated Diabolic Impious Evil has raised the expectation of DM connoisseurs for this new album Praise the Beast (2009). There is no denying that the quartet hasn’t rest on his laurels: after a short narrative intro in the form of a tribute to Satan, the curtains are drawn, I Hate Your Kind delivers some dark Death Metal very much reminiscent of Immolation (especially when it comes to Bruno’s vocals) / Morbid Angel (solo with weird harmonies), but also quite similar to Behemoth.

This opening is judiciously progressive and the real onslaught of brutality really beings on the second track Sacrifice of Blood, where Zbigniew Robert Prominski (aka Inferno) shows us from the start his incredible speed of execution. Inferno, Bruno (bass / vocals) and Bart (guitar) have been playing together for a long time. Now, in addition, Thurfel, guitar, who defected from top technical act Yattering, has joined the others since Diabolic Impious Evil. You can definitely hear it: the intelligent musical structures, varied but most of all very smooth, give a feeling of absolute simplicity on parts that'd be unplayable for most musicians. On top of that, some incantatory vocals are here to support the rhythmic parts. Should the record label feel uninspired to come up with some killer slogan to promote their band, I just happen to have one in store: Total Worship Satan Blasting Brutal Death Metal

In addition to the aforementioned influences, another one stands out: South-American Death Metal and especially Krisiun, very much for the massive but yet sharp as a blade riffing and the continuous pounding mode on (Invocation). Beyond a dexterity well above average, Azarath show some real anger and do not offer straight linear tracks, just like the acoustic part at the end of Praise the Beast with a very Deicide-like chorus, or in Queen of the Sabbath and its central part that sounds like Black Metal, the words « Sanctus Diabolic Impious Evil » repeated over and over. The lucky guys that will acquire the digipack version will also enjoy a bonus track, an Acheron’s cover.

The band’s artwork does not change a bit from previous releases. It’s still a demon, most likely from the pantheon of the Great Old Ones, black and white, as if color prints were not available nowadays... Same thing when it comes to the music, the production is slightly similar to that of Diabolic Impious Evil: clear, massive, without indulging in «uber-production», overpowered and impersonal.

Azarath eventually top their previous release giving it enough differentiation to not make it the same record over and over. Unholy Trinity sounds like a battle hymn from hell destroying everything in its path, very much reminiscent of the awesome Panzerchrist and more precisely their terrible At the Graves. The final instrumental track From Beyond the Coldest Star is also to be commended thanks to virtuoso guitars and sheer intensity.
The Poles are building up and are becoming one of the few blue chips in Death Metal. They may not revolutionize the style or bring it to unknown horizons like modern acts such like Origin and Obscura. With Praise the Beast, however, they deliver a homogeneous album of very high quality and most of all they come up undoubtedly with their own distinct sound and personality.

Sanctus Diabolic Impious Evil!
Praise The Total Worship Satan Blasting Brutal Death!

This is not my own review. It's merely a translation of BEERGRINDER's review originally written in French and translated into English with his consent. For the original review in French, please go to:

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