Skald In Veum : 1260 Days





When you arise to devour this world,
With your heads and horns, know this:
You lost your life the day you were born.
I was born the day I died.
I die upon my sword rather than bow my knees.
I am but a mortal but unlike you,
I am fireproof in this armour of blood and truth.
I know that you will rise from the dead,
But I would kill you anyway just for the pleasure of the deed.
If God will get me close enough,
I will let my blade drink your filthy blood.
I will be the Milos Obilic of the latter days.
He who kills with the sword must die upon the sword, I know.
But I am from the bloodline of the gentile foreskin and all,
I'd rather bleed than fade.
A noble death is a treasure.
You buy it with your last drop of blood.
Samson sold his life for the price,
Of threescore times a hundred of the foes.
If I could die like him in a good age,
I would pass with an eternal smile upon my face.
Beyond the days I will see you burn,
Nothing by a friend nephilim in fire and brimstone.
Know that day that I am fireproof in this armour that you refused.


Through the nine circles of hell,
Where each punishment is self-conceived,
Where the damned dwell, driven by their needs.
Paradox of mankind and the law,
I am myself a villain, judge and the one who wields the sword.
Here I tread in the footsteps of ancient poets,
Knowing what is right but unable to uphold it.
Here dwells the lost, plagued by a thirst for a God they do not know.
Not evil but mortal, ash and flesh, unable to walk the bridge of spirits.

Inferno through the gate, Inferno hope no more.
Minus one and falling, deeper in the darkness we spawn.
Hurled about in the storms of passions,
Blind in the darkness of self.
Minus two and falling, towards the abysmal deep.

Inferno purge my soul, Inferno fear no more.
Gluttons like hogs in filthy mud.
Minus three and falling, dropping to the cold.
Greed and anger, they fuel the fires of their pyres.

Heretics burning in open graves they dug and kindled.
Men of violence and evil, boiling the the blood of wrath.
The self-indulgent, the violent and malicious,
Lost in the burning desert, hounds on their trail.
I found myself within a forest dark.
For the straightforward pathway had been lost.
Oh crooked tree, "Not man, man once I was."

Minus four, five, six, and seven,
Falling to the frauds who sell us heaven,
Selling what no man can buy.
Buying what can only be given, deceivers and deceived.
Minus eight and falling to the lowest of the low.
The traitors, those who stab their friends in the back:
Do you betray the master with a kiss?

Minus nine and falling, to my knees.
Falling into the purgatory repentance,
For the truth shall set us free.
The path is over the mountain, Sinai under Golgotha.

Inferno, son of man.
Inferno save my soul.
Inferno, I am yours.
Inferno set me free.


Let your tears flow like a river, from the abyss of sorrow.
Let your lamentation rise to the sky, smoke and stench.
Woe to the earth, the Garden of Eden is raped.
Under a blackened sky lustful fires dance.
Hordes of tanks like the scarabs of the unholy tombs by the Nile.

Pillars of darkness upholds the sky.
Mother earth is ravaged by the children she bore.
Dishonoured she pukes in disgust and shivers like in fever.
Screaming to God for salvation and relief.

The Garden of Eden is raped.


Mystery of Deity, the incarnated beckons me.
From the abyss of ages past,
You call to me and with broken voice I roar:
"Place me at thy right hand and count me among thy saints."
I will spread my wings and die with barrels smoking and my feet soaked in sordid blood.
With your cross on my banner, with your holy wounds ever present in my heart,
With the pain of birth, not of rotting death.
Let me die the death of one standing on his feet.
A martyr of freedom in a world of bondage.
Let me hold my ground until my head rolls upon it,
My eyes fixed upon the sky until you come upon it as the fire on Mount Carmel.
Let that be the day when we draw swords together.
Let that be the day when we draw breath together.
Live once and die forever, or die once and live forever?
I have made my choice.
Should I fade I pray: "Call me with the trumpet on the final day."


Herren skall foröda jorden, Han skall lågga den öde härja dess yta.
Öde och forödd blir jorden, harjad dess yta.
Skövlad och plundrad.
Detta är vad Herren har talat.

Vi alg förråder!
Forradare förråder!
Forradare förråder!
Jag forgås,
Forradare förråder!

Jorden har vanhelgats av dem som dar bor,
Måttet är rägat, kalken är full,
Cirkeln är skingrad I stoft.

Borta är tamburinernas ljud, det är slut med fest och glam.
Borta är lyrans soner.
Ingen sjunger vid dryckeslag,
Vinet har en bitter smak.

Du drog din skonhet I smutsen.

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