Lethal Fire : Master of Extermination Art

Thrash Metal / Colombia
(2012 - Eternal Night Records)





Your mouth speak lies
But your face can’t lie
Your mediocrity destroys states
But our power is stronger than you

All my life trapped in a hole
Nothing around me is a blessing
Those who feel envy they are blind
They can’t see that my soul got burnt

I’m escaping from the lord´s chains
That master can’t humiliate me anymore
My fidelity turned hatred now
I ain’t slave I’m independent

Tyrant, Sick, Coward, False,
Dictator, Scary, Decrepit, Loser:
Master of Extermination Art!!!

He puts on an act he’s perfect
That master is all fucking wet
Blind man who just loves his treasure
Of an empire is ground to dust


Daring and wonderfully violent
Daring and wonderfully violent
Honest with my own spirit
Honest with my own spirit
Strong and brave in front of the prohibition
Every resistance is exceeded with pleasure
War is my name and I’m over all

Force is my main virtue - Force is my main virtue
Free spirit and victorious - Free spirit and victorious
I despite the actual mankind
War is my name and I dominate myself
War is my name and I’m over all

The war mystery is to divide the nations and
To drive the mankind to exterminate itself
Fortress and freedom flow from my force
My spiritual energy is abundant
War is my name I was born to win

My pleasure is to defeat myself
My war is against mediocre and envious
Their art are the lies using torture tools
The traitors left a big wave of bloody crimes
War is my name I was born to win


I see you walking in the dark every day
You seem like a living dead man
Your fucking ideas are only stupid
You allowed them to destroy your life
You allowed them to destroy your life

Your nervous are out of control
Your family is paying so expensive
Your dirty blood sucks
You allowed them to destroy your life
Destroy your life

You don’t know how society sees you
The clean people don’t like you
Because you smell like shit
You allowed them to destroy your life
You allowed them to destroy your life
You allowed them to destroy your life

Those drugs cracked your brain
You are a sad living dead man
You lost all your pretty chances
You allowed them to destroy your life
You allowed them to destroy your life
You allowed them to destroy your life

You are one more friend of stupidity
Your friends and you are just friends of stupidity


In the nights covered by white heaven
While my hair fights against the wind
I dedicate my guitar tunes to the moon
It’s hidding behind the clouds
I look away to the mountains
Whipped by strong lightnings
I hear a fear scream in the alley
And the howls of dogs gang
Nocturnal Song!

When is closing the midnight
And I’m playing my solitary show
The sky is total brighten
And the moon lights me
My mind takes me so far away
From this lost flat roof
Where I enjoy my sounds
And nothing breaks my
Nocturnal Song!




Loneliness... Feeling the full loneliness
Empty hands... With the empty hands
There’s no fate to follow
Searching the passport to beyond

Walking the streets every dawn
Sometimes under the cold rain
Other times facing the sunrise
Always looking for a way to the end

Young and old... My life’s in a middle of young and old
Funny things... Reminding the sadness and funny things
I think of a lot of people
Which I hate and other ones I love

Walking the streets every dawn
Sometimes under the cold rain
Other times facing the sunrise
Always looking for a way to the end

Afraid... Afraid to the suffering we live
The sickness... The sickness and the tragedies
I have no fate to follow
Searching my passport to beyond

Walking the streets every dawn
Sometimes under the cold rain
Other times facing the sunrise
Always looking for a way to the end


Sometimes you feel immortal
Because you aren’t afraid to die
Death has took a lot of my friends
By different and special ways
Death will take them one by one
As always she has been doing
Our life is strange but real
Always we desire everything
The devil´s son has grown
The devil´s son turns aggressive
The devil´s son attacks with force
The devil´s son needs to escape

Death will take them one by one
As always she has doing
Our life is strange but real
Always we desire everything
The devil´s son has grown
The devil´s son turns aggressive
The devil´s son attacks with force
The devil´s son desires to kill me
The devil´s son has grown
The devil´s son turns aggressive
The devil´s son attacks with force
The devil´s son desires to kill you


Look at the past to find our footprints
When we went over the limits
The sky is bluer than yesterday
But I can’t see you there

Our lives were always at risk
We searched for mystery secrets
Always hidden behind the Death
Until you left emptiness in every place

Maybe the time is very slow where you are
Maybe I can’t see you in front of me
To cry is a lovely lovely feeling now
To live and to die will be equal

I know that you know beyond
Some day you will take me there
To show me every place
You constructed only for you

Teach me both sides of the world
Life and death will be the same
Death is always at our side
Death is always at our side

Some day you´ll wake up and you won´t know
That it was your last night of your life
Death Angel comes all at once
He takes us by surprise


Quieres abrazar a alguien en este momento
Pues no sabes si mañana estarás despierto
Luego de tantos años la guerra llegó al final
En una oscura fría noche de tormenta infernal
Las armas descargadas sobre la tierra han caído
Amaneciste en medio de un ejército vencido
Derrotados porque cada uno luchó en solitario
Tu rostro es bañado por un sol ensangrentado

Ahora mismo preparan tu ejecución
Mientras suplicas y pides comprensión
Seguiremos adelante hasta que volvamos a unirnos
Cuando un día dejemos este mundo de asesinos
Como una plaga los humanos nos multiplicamos
Y al momento de nacer muchos son abandonados
Deseamos comprender lo que no entendemos
La estupidez que nos lleva a que nos matemos

Gente con hambre, gente desplazada
Gente que tenia algo y hoy no tienen nada

Ahora mismo preparan tu ejecución
Mientras suplicas y pides comprensión
Quieres abrazar a alguien en este momento
Pues no sabes si mañana estarás despierto

11. WWLM

We who love Metal
We who love Metal
We who love Metal

We don’t need drugs to listen
We pay the tickets to see our colleagues
We don’t need drugs to play
Becouse we respect the Metal

We don´t need to look bad to others
We don’t show off the “Stupid” label
We don’t get profit from piracy
We buy stuff from other bands

We support Metal
We live for Metal
We love Metal
We’ll die lovin’ Metal

;歌词由 添加 Matai - 修改此歌词