Lasting Impression : Hellbent

Hardcore / USA
(2013 - Self-Produced)
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My palms pushed against the static
Embrace the white noise within.
My brain is running frantic
Holding my breath until the end.

Her light shines through,
Right through her vitals.
You can see the disease,
And still I feel spiteful.

Airwaves collectively seeping
Grasping what I can never hold.
Radiation fills my entire being
Now you've been told.

She loves me.
She loves me not.


Here we go again.
Daily routines, broken dreams.
No unification
Too many contradictions.

What the fuck is up ? So many copycats, liars, and thieves.
We've lost control.
I'm really at a loss. All you fuckheads ever do is deceive.
It's taken it's toll.

So you've had a taste.
Was it everything you thought it would be ?
Or was it all a waste ?
Are you full of regret or sympathy ?

Do you finally see all the damage and chaos around ?
Or are you simply blind, unable to see what surrounds ?


Born into innocence
Not ever knowing what is imminent
Chaos, murder, rape behind a cloak of seclusion
Even a privileged life is complete delusion.
But in a moment life turns on a dime,
Bringing you down with it into hard times.
You keep on pushing looking for liberation,
But it's never there, it's just a starving nation.

Lost in a world of billions
Always an enemy not a friend.
Assume the worst on this rotten earth,
Keep anticipating the end.
Disgusted by all the children
Who all hold a similar fate.
It's a sad but true pity
To never know what fuels this hate.

Innocence is a monster
Killed eventually by time.
With the pandemonium
The opportunity has arrived.
The story is already written,
A disastrous comedy.
Some people say devastation,
I call it an odyssey.


You say you're a punk, and this what you live for,
But you're too god damn scared to get your ass up.
You're too busy texting and telling your friends
How much this band fucking sucks.

You're wearing a misfits shirt, but say you're too old,
That moving around is for kids.
You're drinking your beer and sitting at the bar,
That must be what true punk rock is.

It's more than the vinyl you own or the shirt
That you found at the goodwill.
It's a message, a purpose, a feeling of process,
And you don't understand shit.

I hope that your wife and kids know
That you have lost all your spine.
And that you gave into the society
That you once said once a crime.

Now you stole a life from them,
And completely changed yourself.
You're too fucking concerned
With what everyone else thinks.
Live for your fucking self.


(No lyrics available)


The truth is I'm a lot like you
Fucking scared and without a clue.
I get enraged at the lack of common sense.
When people force their beliefs I go on the offense.

Oh Yeah !

Why do you really continue to pray ?
When it does nothing day after day.
It gives you some shining light of relief
Thinking you did something with a stupid belief.

So what if I'm not
Saved in your eyes ?
I believe nothing happens
When I fucking die.
You cling on tightly
To a string of faith.
It's bound to snap.
Just sit and wait.

The truth is that I envy you
Being able to believe in absolutes,
Always looking for the easy way out
Afraid to live with any doubts.

Oh Yeah !


Washed ashore
I have no clue where I am
The position of the sun
Hard to say where I've been
What day month year it is
All reality is out the door
So I guess I'll walk on
And try to see what's in store

Everything I see
Is so foreign
Yet everyone
Looks like me
Can I get
Some recognition
So I can find out
Where I have to be

Hey people
I need some help here
Yet the footsteps never stop
I'm just trying to make things clear

8. DRY

Staring at the back of your head
Just tracing back so I can predict the end
But I'm at a loss, you see,
It's just a movie playing over and over again.
You said, no, wait, you screamed
What did ever matter to me ?
Well I can assure it mattered
More than it ever did to you.

Praying, hoping, fighting for a better result,
Worrying about every move I make in this world.
I try to tell myself that it's not our fault,
But the proof is right in front of me.

How do you continue ? Robots in a line
Just waiting, waiting to die.
Working, for nothing,
Not a single fucking goal in sight.
Blindness seems like a common disease
When all you have to do is open your eyes.
Yet you still go on like there's
A reason to fight.

This is true passion,
With these words I've written down on the page.
I'm going to take action,
And feed your ears with my sadness and rage.


Tired, but I still can't sleep.
Hopeful, but afraid to dream.

Force the things that I need to survive.
My bodies giving up, as if it's been deprived.

Staring at the ceiling looking to rest.
I close my eyes hoping sleep comes next.

I feel so weak I can't get out of bed,
And there is nothing I can do that will clear my head.

I've overcome every obstacle I've fought,
And my life's just started and this is what I've been taught.

Take every moment as a chance to learn,
And if in the end you want the world to burn.
Just remember there are others like you,
And there are better ways to show what you have to prove.


This child born with a strong heart.
His future should have been secure.
His mother had a heart of gold,
And she would love this child through thick and thin.
But his father was a weak man,
He could no longer bear the pain.
A newborn child, his job was lost,
An affair all riding on his back.

He took his life, and left his son and wife to fend for themselves.

Now five years old,
He realizes his fathers never home.
His mom wastes away
On all the shit she can pump in her veins.
He can't make any friends.
Everyone pretends as they pass him by.
Nobody gives a glance, or a fucking chance.
They leave him alone to sit and cry.

As he grows taller, he becomes wiser,
And starts to wonder what's left on this earth.

Mom doesn't know he exists. she just wants her fix,
And looks at life as though she has been cursed.

He's finally built up the courage,
To come and share his thoughts.
He has been preparing,
Doesn't care if he is caught.

No remorse inside for what lies ahead.
His vision is clear as well as his head.
He empties his guns of their shells.
Then turns the pistol on himself.

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