Fangtooth : Fangtooth

Doom Metal / Italy
(2011 - Solitude Productions)
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The reaper walks beside me
She's my only friend
I am born to kill
And I will kill 'till my last breath
Don't tell me I'm evil
Don't tell me I'm mad
'Cause I've got a mission
That's to give the world a chance

I was only a loser
When I heard a voice
She told me "you're the chosen
All the evil to destroy"
Now l live in darkness
Waiting like a wolf
When I choose my prey
I take her life to feed my god

I am here
To condemn or to absolve
With my only eye
I look deep into your soul

You all are free
To choose your life
To do the right thing, or to live in crime
But don't forget
My eye on you
If I'll find you guilty
You will be mine


Don't leave me or I'll die with you
I know soon I will find a cure
My god she was too young to die
I'm too old to believe your lies

Now I am ready
Laws of life and death I know
What you took away
Will be mine again
I'll revel in blasphemy
Up from your grave
Cry out the name
From the dark depths of time

full moon above me
As I walk in the burial ground
The book of dead I own
Old and dangerous
To take my love back from beyond
Up from your grave
Cry out the name
From the dark depths of time


Take my hands
Save me
From this hell
They march
In the dark
Help me
Save me

They told us to
Be cold and brave
But those I'm going to kill
They're frightened like me
How we reached this madness

When I go
Through empty places
I'm awake
But I can see their faces
Restless souls
That walk around me
From the day
You betrayed them to save me


We'd sailed from home
In a winter night
Searching for glory
Across the ocean wide

An old sailor said
With a twisted smile
Well dive with the dead
Where Atlantis rise

Tidal waves
darkened the sky
children begun to cry
Our vessel cracked
Panic aboard
So the sea took his toll

All of us were dragged
Down in the abyss

Now our lifeless bodies
Lie down in this dark womb
Ocean waves caress our bones
Like tears on a grave


Don't cry be brave
Bow down and pray the lord
The time has come
To satisfy the crowd
Open wide
The lion's mouth awaits
The crowd wants blood
My lord I'll give'em mine

The light of day
Comfort my lonely soul
And fills my heart
As I begin to walk up
In the arena floor
No change of mind
Soon I'll be glorified

I'll leave this world
To efface my faults
You laugh at me
But soon you'll cry
Seeing my courage as I die

The lions wait to be unchained
Ready to fall upon their prey
They'll tear to pieces
My mortal shell
Like they have done
With all my friends

The savage beasts
Now walk around
With their sharp nails
They scratch the ground
In blood they'll revel
With flesh they'll feast
And human madness
Will be pleased

I'm just part of the game
But the winner's not always the same

I'm going to die
No fear inside my heart
The light embrace my soul


I'm awake
After thousand million days
The only outlast
Of an ancient kind

Born of giants
The rulers of the earth
But the humans came
To claim our land

No mercy inside my heart
No mercy for the lambs of god
They're killing our mother
Death must be the future of mankind

Poisoned seas
Pollution in the air
I can't recognize
The world around

Desert plains
Where once
Stood high the trees
Here's the progress of humanity

Ho mercy inside my heart
No mercy for the lambs of god
They're killing our mother
Death must be the future of mankind

Iron monsters
Plastic gardens
Concrete mountains
You all live
In a nightmare
made by your own kind
You will die
Killed by your
Fucking poisons
Then the earth
Wild and tree
She will breathe again

lyrics added by kit36 - Modify this lyrics