Eta Nearrum : Behind the Apocalypse

Progressive Metal / Poland
(2016 - Self-Released)
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Apocalypse is now
The powerful flame of life
Shall be blown away

Blown away by a mere cosmic dust
Or a distant dying star

This is the future we can avoid
We just need to buy more time

We need more time
To hack our planets' life system

To learn the rules and play god
And never become extinct

But is it possible with all our weaknesses

We could not stand a chance
Against our mother nature
Running out of patience

She could never forgive
Our ignorance and naivety
Our humanity


An ember rises deep in roots of my
Everlasting soul, primeval body
Force forgotten since we left the caverns
When the time has come to move forward

It calls me to where heart of nature is
Massive grey mountains, overgrown old woods
Virgin temples of life plurality
Places with their own timeline

I try to ignore blazing call inside
Growing impulse of primitive instinct
I feel fear and hate rushing through my veins
Slowly in my mind crawls sense of loss

Those new chains are holding me tight

Thousands years to cut umbilical cord
Indestructible bond with mother nature
"finally we can take care of ourselves"
Self awareness surpassed the children
And they rejected their mother
But they were never self-sufficient

Now I stand shackled in chains created by myself
On my own old request unable to move
Inner embers, the old mothers' love
Makes me feel both proud and ashamed
I desire reconnection, but it's too late
Prodigal sons did not get a second chance


Endless void of space
Worlds beyond comprehension

It's our destiny to get to the stars
Escape the blue planet we call home
Travel through time and space alike
Searching for our purpose in the sky

There's still a lot of things to learn
We are like ungrateful, arrogant children
Waging wars over utter nonsenses
Denying who we should become
Our place is among the stars


Overwhelmed by thoughts
Hostage of your own mind
Drowning in blackness
Of this self-imprisonment

You constantly bounce off the walls of insanity
Where omnipresent scream never ceases

Break it down and release yourself
Tear it down and breathe in the fresh air
Crush the wall and shatter the jail
Embrace the cold breeze of sanity

Dazed by senses
You get up on shivering legs
The vision has never been so clear
Like an infant
You once again
Take first steps
Into the world
Leaving ashes of your cage behind

Welcome among the living




I stand free
My mind made up with pride
I march for praise of one
For those who I love

His will must be fulfilled
I need to do
What he wants me to do
I want, I must

All shepherds
Washing minds of
Artless lambs which
Deny their own function,
They guide us to failure
They feed up with
False sense of rule
Bringing themselves
And their pupils to full
Denial of life




Tremendous matter
Compound omnipresent
In expanding universe

Whilst its existing
The human being asked
For reasons why

Yet discovered
Most powerful
Kind of energy
In annihilation

All matter
Created with
Its antitype

Combined results
With insane
Pure great power


Massive aflame giant sphere
Hestia of lifeless neighbors
Godlike candle
In quiet void of space
Enormous perfect
Natural furnace
Life incubator

Even life giving gods must perish
After few bilion years they will decay
Succumbing to merciless oroborus serpent
The cycle of life will start again
Will start again


First there was nothing
Just primordial soup full of organic matter

Suddenly it woke up giving birth to life
Evolution began its' struggle

Here we stand
Hundreds of millions years later
As sentient beings
Surrounded by opposites
Created advanced society
Still killing each other over pathetic nonsense
One day we will cross the border
Stand all as one

In vast emptiness of space
With no threats to our existence
We will become type I civilization

lyrics added by czeski21 - Modify this lyrics