Disciple (USA-2) : Back Again

Southern Rock / USA
(2003 - Slain Records)
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Looking back upon my life I'm very thankful
That your arm is not too short to rescue
And deliver me
Take my hand and lead me out and through
Through the waters of the Red Sea
through the blood and the death of the enemy
While a new foe rages
And holds up an image of a man that I used to be

Throwing up my insides out
On my knees before the throne
Staring in the porcelain dome
That flushes away all the high of last night's waste
And I will never forget the bad taste
That was left inside my mouth
Of when she left when I cried, when I died, no I ain't going
Ain't goin' back again!
Ain't goin' back again!

Once I wasted, now I've tasted
A better life
More than I've ever known
Once I wasted, now I've tasted
A better life
More than I've ever known
Once I hated, now embraced it
A better life
More than I've known

And I'm glad that the past is gone,

That I'm never gonna be alone
Cause I found true love
Even though that my number three finger is empty
And there's nothing I'd give in exchange
For a love that strange
From when she left when I cried when I died,
No ain't going back again!
Ain't going back again!

Once I wasted, now I've tasted
A better life
More than I've ever known
Once I wasted, now I've tasted
A better life
More than I've ever known
Once I hated, now embraced it
A better life
More than I've known

More than I've known
Once I wasted, now I've tasted
A better life
More than I've ever known
Once I hated, now embraced it
A better life
More than I've known


When the wicked come against me to take my life,
Eat my flesh, cut me down, break my bones, leave me dead
When the trouble’s all around me He will hide me inside,
The secret place where His face, I will seek

If You are for me who can be against me
I’ll not fear the one, not fear the one,
Who’d take my life, take it with his hands

When the enemy’s around me I won’t run,
I will stand, confident, He’s with me, I’m in His hand
When the flood rises against me,
You’re my Rock, Fortress, Deliver, Advocate, my defense

3. 103

Stained, wash me
As high as the heavens are above the earth
That’s how far You’ve taken our sin from us
As far as the east is from the west
That is how far that you have removed our transgression from us

And I will sing Hallelujah


I would do anything to see Him
Cause I know He is passing by
Won’t let my situation hinder
So desperate I’m willing to climb

Ain’t gonna let it slow me down
I’ll fight my way through the crowd
And then I heard Him say,
"I’ll enter in your house today
I’ve come to seek and save that which was lost"

Jesus I need you, Jesus I want you
I’ve got to break through so I can see you

Oh how I can’t stop the bleeding
Spent all my money and no one can help
If I could touch the hem of His garment
I know it’s through Him that I can be made well

Ain’t gonna let it slow me down
I’ll fight my way through the crowd
And then I heard him say,
"Who touched Me, power’s gone from Me
Daughter your faith has made you well"

Jesus I need you, Jesus I want you
I’ve got to break through so I can touch you

Ain’t gonna let it slow me down
I’ll fight my way through the crowd
And then I heard Him say,
"Enter in My good servant
I will be yours and you will be Mine"


Have you ever, ever crossed your heart, ever hoped to die
Have you ever, ever fell apart, ever told a lie
Have you ever, ever spilled a crumb, ever doubted Tom
Have you ever, pulled out your thumb, let the course run

Chastise, baptize, belt-feed, bring me your face

You are holy, Almighty, You are worthy,
Lord you own me, bring me Your face

Have you ever, ever had the faith, ever really prayed
Have you ever had a thrill, ever got your fill
Have you ever, ever shut it out, ever lost your doubt
Have you ever, pulled out your thumb, let the course run


The end of all things is at hand
Just a sign that the Lord is coming back again
Wont let my heart be filled with dread
In hope for You I will look and I will lift my head
For my redemption draweth nigh
Soon to break out all upon the eastern sky
My heart and soul cry out

Even so come quickly Jesus, return for me

Look in my mind
Search inside me
I pray You'll find
I'm ready

Here I am, Here I'll wait
For your hand to take me away

We wait for the bridegroom's return
With our lamps in our hands ready to burn
We wait like the watchmen on the wall
For You to come and rescue and save us all
And You'll forever be our King
With no more pain, no more sorrow death or crying
Our heart and souls cry out


Don't want to hear it anymore
Same old stuff I've heard before
What's the point in serving God
I'm so glad you asked

If your mother had cancer
Or someone raped your sister
Or you die in disaster
Tell me who do you turn to now

Could you help yourself
Could you save yourself
Who do you turn to now

Jesus, God break us, God change us
For we are a people of hardened hearts
And unclean lips (Isaiah 6:5; Hebrews 3:13)

Don't want to be scared to believe
Fire of hell I'll never see
It's all just a fairy tale
Well I hope you're right and I'm wrong

Separated forever from the hand of a savior
There's no one to help you there
Tell me who do you turn to now (Revelation 20:10,15)


Remain in me, don’t sever me
Don’t spit me out
Call on me and walk me to Your way
My lips aren’t sealed

Some will say this and then some will say that
I really don’t know just where you are at
If the truth be told, you’re just getting to old
Moving way too fast, and getting to cold

You say that I should just give up
You say why don’t you just shut up

You’ll never shut me up
Forgive me if I should lose my way
Don’t cut me off
Cause I choose You in my life today
Even if they hate me


I’ve heard of Your great fame and Your glory oh God
How You stretched out Your hand to make the waters and the skies
With one Word You spoke out and Your voice created light
And from dust You made man and gave Him the breath of life

There is none to compare to your great love oh God
You alone are worthy of every breath I’ve got

So God I come before You to worship and adore You
I pray You send Your power
Holy Spirit fall upon me

The whole earth and the heavens sing of Your glory
And the angels all around You are crying out holy
What an awesome God that You are that You even thought of me
For you know me and you love me and You gave me everything


I could never turn back from where you brought me from
I am not where I should be, but I’m better than where I was
Why did you show grace that was so undeserving
I may never know but I will give you everything

Until my dying breath I'll pray

Remembering the first time I gave my life to you
In the Sea of forgetfulness, you through my sin into
Touched me with your healing hands
And you stole my heart away

I was still a sinner when you gave your life for me
While I cursed your name you stretched your hand out to rescue me
Wiped my sin away with just one touch of your great love
So I will seek your face and put my hope in what you’ve done


How can you be of God?
When you look, when you dress,
When you smell just like the world
Do you see me as being bad,
A friend your children shouldn’t have,
Just one glance and you know what I’m about

It’s not the length of my hair, it’s not the clothes that I wear
But it’s the cross that I bear
'Cause you know that I am

In the world not of it
Cause we gotta show the world He loves them
Even though we look the same we’re not the same

God where can I look for you?
What will it look like,
What will it be like when I gaze my eyes on you
Will I find You a hungry man, will I find You in a prison,
Or will I find You in the office of a church?


The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me
Because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor
Sent me to heal the brokenhearted
Bring freedom to the captives
Bring sight to the blind
Break the chains of the oppressed
For this is the year of the Lord

Today this scripture if fulfilled in your ears
But I know you won’t believe and you refuse to see
Physician heal yourself one day you’ll say to me
While the God you claim to serve will be the God you hang on a tree

The first time that He came they ripped His beard and beat His back up
But the next time that He comes He’ll have a flaming sword with eyes of fire
The first time that He came they pierced His hands and His feet and hung Him up
But the next time that He comes He’ll be on a white horse and I’ll be with Him

Oh how I longed to take you under my wing
And hide you in the shadow of My love
All day long My arms have been open
But you would not come to me, but you would not come to me

I was like a lamb led to the slaughter
And I did not speak a thing as you insulted Me
There will come a day when the Word of God will come down
And I will strike the nations
And consume them with the breath of My mouth


Another night I sit alone
Another night I my heart is so heavy
I can’t believe that it’s beating on it’s own
I know You tell me to be glad when trials come to me but instead
I always question if You love me at all

But I know You know me Jesus
I know You listen to my cry
I need You to come inside

And I will praise and give You thanks
For You have lifted me to carry me one more time
I will praise and give You thanks
For You have lifted me to make me see my life is in Your hands

Seems like the ones I love the most when I am needing their affection
They’re never there and I’m left all alone
I know You tell me to be glad when trials come to me but instead
I always question if You love me at all

But I know You know me Jesus
I know You hear this prodigal’s cry
Father run to me tonight

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics