Dark Wisdom (COL) : Seven Sins of Seven Demons

Black Metal / Colombia
(2015 - Chivo Negro Productions)
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El resguardo del miedo es mi infierno
Mi sangre es tu placer sincero,
Ardiente es el fuego Que corre por nuestros cuerpos,
Yo conozco tu placer
Yo conozco tu forma de arder
Mi sangre Recorre por tus venas,
Vivo dentro de tu ser

Nunca engañamos al placer,
Entre gemidos encuentro tu poder
Enviciados extasiados de deleite,
Encendimos la llama del dolor
Logramos cumplir esos deseos,
Nadamos en lujuria y sueños
Vivimos un grandioso sueño, tuvimos ese perfecto infierno

Inmortales recuerdos viven en mi mente,
Recordando ese ritual ardiente,
Tu cuerpo entre el cielo y el infierno
Destellos de dolor sincero


Past and future, I know it all.
Tell me if an oath you want now.
The faithful destiny is on your hands.
You only have to get in.
Just remember, you can't go back.
Past and future, I know it all.

My life and my soul, ideal desire,
Deadly destiny.
Memories instigate me.
But future pushes me
Shocked I am, the value of my soul
I don't want to lose .
But greed makes me go through.

Forget you not, my sign is real;
It is fulfillment guaranteed.(garantid)
My wrath and my 40 legions go with you now.
Feel the sovereignty
Being linked to your soul
And knowledge shrouds your dreams.
Lost I have what I wished once.
In spite of, needed it was not.
Something futile, fastened an d lost.
Though wisdom chosen me it has.


Destellos y aflicción de mi alma
Camino lleno de desconsuelo
Perplejidad de mis sentidos latente
Escrúpulo irreflexivo y destructor

La soledad apabulla mis pensamientos me hace más fuerte
La ambición me consume me implica traicionar
Es mi esencia más pura que me hace un vil mortal
Sinsabor eterno de insatisfacción celestial

Milenios nutriendo este espectro regente de naciones
Panteón de almas atormentadas sin saciedad
Mordacidad cortante y quemante destroza su fe
Ingenuidad corrompo sus mentes con mi virgen verdad


Seven warriors were fighting on through the air.
With venom on their hands and infernal breathe.
Immortal monarchy from the palace where the reborn
Angels are fallen from the fake paradise.

The false messiah announces his coming,
With muted chants of hypocrite praising.
He feeds his body and mind with trivial garbage.
Not all blasphemy is wicked and not all pain is karma
The prince does not forget and he reminds him the flies
His corpse they will devour.
And the seventh throne will be reborn
From a blood sea and the sixty-six snakes will fly.

The journey of the infernal prince continues still.
Galloping with his 66 dragons along with.

The false messiah announces his coming,
With muted chants of hypocrite praising.
He feeds his body and mind with trivial garbage.
Not all blasphemy is wicked and not all pain is karma

The fake messiah will be scourged, and time will tell the truth.
He does not satisfy his hunger of mediocrity
His hunger of mediocrity


The awaken of my breathing.
Nothing is gonna my spread
In Victoria i command
Such a ... Dethroned ,corpses

Light torns my life, it torns...
Night comes to the end now..
Mighty thrones of the demarked sons,
Bloody thorns in my damned sons
Night comes to the end now

Fire paths cover my steps
Legends live in my name
My undisputtable talent of destruction
3 shadows cover my back

Tears of hypocrisy feed me
For I'm born from you as a sole thing you feel
For you feel me in each word each gesture and each touch.

The perfect path is my choice
Follow my lead you must
Borned under the same seal
Marked under the same blood
Reborning from earthly heaven
Forged by fire and blood; the faithful destiny

My pride are your desires
My pride is your sin
My pride is your pleasure
My pride is your truth

Light torns my life, it torns...
Night comes to the end now..


Gran belphegor enviado por lucifer
Emisario poderoso no hay armonía en la tierra
Los preceptos divinos se han olvidado,
Las sagradas mentiras arden en llamas

Los cerdos de la iglesia fornican en tu nombre
Sobre los sagrados altares….!!!
Yo no puedo creer en predicadores de dios..No!
La desidia me acompaña por doquier.. Agggh

Felicidad… ¿??? ..Bah… No me hagan reír…..!!!
Basta ya de mentir!!!
La pereza mental los aturde!!!
Sentado en mi trono las cosas llegaran

La salvación con fiestas cristianas
No serán respetadas jamás!
Sentado! Desolación y rendición
La guerra santa volverá a comenzar


The world I travel and see with joy
To those who don't need to beg for.
To cry and see how their souls are destroyed.
With a sigh their souls devour.

Vacuum, wish it, i reburn
Years of fire behold
Absense, feel it, my breath Ascetic, my life is your sin

Soon desolation will vanquish
The lands I greedily desire.
It is my hurry, my passion, my strength.
Swimming into greed, they all will perish.
Visions of the world today corrupt me.
I enjoy it when it comes.

Vacuum, wish it, i reburn
Years of fire behold
Absense, feel it, my breath Ascetic, my life is your sin

The treasures they await but won't see a coin.
They are my core and strength
Shining sovereignty Toda I offer ye all.
As gift and reward to your endless angst.



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