Daemos : Dying God

Thrash Metal / USA
(1998 - Self-Produced)
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Scarred faith fallen empty
Minds of strength now faulty
Determined eyes once plenty
Frusteration moves in and kills!

Broken hope comes closer
Cleared thoughts have now blurred
Building tension turns darker
Fighting through with unseen power
Hear the cries, the lies, inside my twisting head!
Join the fight, dark light, against the mob of dead

Desperate times, the crimes, denied by angry souls!
Pound the weak, and seek, life will now be!

Inside ties gone deceitful
Blood tainted with evil
Mending lines now doubtful
Damage has been done, and severed!

Stomp the weak and mindsick,
Rise the sorrow as time ticks,
Explode the world becomes no more,
Another soul, found dead and broken!

On the fuckin' rocks
On the fuckin' rocks
On the fuckin' rocks
On the fuckin' rocks

Judgement day still pending
Await the mornful ending
Sides are chosen and set in
Tales of lost are made and spoken

Frenzied madness around tempt
Now begins the decent
Growing weakness falls through
Now the end (motherfucker)
Destroy you


Violent, destructive tension build,
Control my throbbing hands
Infuriated, my hatred's scortched,
Yet still I am not through
Torn by what should always be,
And what should have never been
Take your shit, burn by my hate,
And see your words a sin

Blessed by the devil, by my will
You'll both fall and die.

Reach outside your circle
With your diabolic arms
Understand what motivates
The tales that cause such harm
Believe me not, you trust those wicked
Laugh behind your back
Anguished feeling escalate,
For the confidence you lack

Blind my cold eye, they shut close
To never be seen

Temples once sacred are no more,
You'll see what it means

Blessed by the devil, by my will
You'll both fall and die

See my bred anger, I'll watch you fall
So you won't rise

Words I speak
Don't listen to them
Thoughts I've heard
Use your mind
Built to break
That's now my plan
Take it back
Now you're mine

Spread my sickness
Can't believe this
All with me
Darkened lies
Find out the truth
See my distaste
What have I done?
Fuckin lies!

Missing virtue
Trust you, I did
Never to be
Foolish then
Broken light
See I'm danger
Hide my sight
Now, descend

Show my intent
Don't come near me
Ruthless show
Beast inside
See the mayhem
Crush your skull in
Step aside
Now you die!

Overwith, I'm unsure
Where my anger now resides
Apologies won't fix the past
And in it's place you'll find
Lack of trust, mixed in with
Painful memories of the past
Never lose this image
Of a liar at last


Heed the call of the dead
Refuse and take
My broken soul instead

Prey your soul will last
Behind my eyes
Visions of the past

Weakened will
Tension builds
With fiery chills
Then god will kill

And blood mixed with confusion
See past their illusion
Now my world has ended,
Begin agony

All's dead inside
And time has lied
My life is for
My dying God!

My rage builds to flames
My spirit's black
Playin' god with your games

Vengeance is my mind
By my hands
Peacefulness you'll find

Alive you are no more
Let them see
What my anger's for

Temper's rise
No disguise
I've done my deed
I'll watch you bleed

lyrics added by DedHunter - Modify this lyrics