Slaves to Society

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Nom du groupe Master (USA)
Nom de l'album Slaves to Society
Type Album
Date de parution 11 Mai 2007
Style MusicalDeath Metal
Membres possèdant cet album35


1. The Darkest Age
2. The Final Skull
3. The Room with Views
4. Slaves to Society
5. World Police
6. In Control
7. Remnants of Hate
8. Anarchy Nearly Lost
9. Beaten for the Possibility
10. The Last Chapter
11. Cheater
12. The Line to Kill (Demo)
13. He'll Probably Win (Demo)
14. Lined Up and Punished (Demo)
15. Everything is Rotten (Demo)

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 $22.98  15,52 €  7,75 €  £22.67  $40.69  17,23 €  27,22 €
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Master (USA)