Good Luck

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Nom du groupe Lizzies
Nom de l'album Good Luck
Type Album
Date de parution 01 Avril 2016
Style MusicalHeavy Metal
Membres possèdant cet album6


1. Phoenix
2. 666 Miles
3. Viper
4. Mirror Maze
5. Night in Tokyo
6. Speed on the Road
7. One Night Woman
8. Russian Roulette
9. 8 Ball

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Commentaire @ SymptonOfTheSabbath

20 Juillet 2017

Speed, leather and neon lights.

Lizzies are a all-girl Quatuor from Spain. Good Luck is their first full-lenght. They are without a doubt tagging along with the other bands of the NWOTHM that are burgeoning within the last few years.

Soudwise, the album got that NWOBHM and pre 1985 heavy metal feel to it .You notice it as soon as the album starts with the song Phoenix, the use of vocals harmony (on Phoenix at least) combine with both energetic drums and catchy riffs without big fuss set the tone for the rest of the album

The songs are delivered in a straight forward way just like their predecessors of the NWOBHM and early eighties heavy metal. Don't look for synth or computer generated voice that appeared later in the eighties.

No over polished production here.For most part of the album you get fast paced heavy and energetic short songs ( sometimes perhaps a little too short ) delivered in a way guaranteed to get your fist in the air and head banging.

The album lyrical content (for most parts) appears to be the daily adventures and woes of a band on and off the road : Relationships,bisexuality, alcohol, long roadtrip, one night stands.

Particular mention: Mirror maze, Night in Tokyo, Speed on the road.

If you can catch them on European festival or in a city near you by any chance, don't miss them.

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