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biografía : Introvertum

- Rise of the Introverts -
Starting out in 2013 in Columbia Heights Minnesota, IntroVertuM first began creating a spontaneous and “in the moment” style music that some would consider funeral doom due to its slow, atmospheric style and subject nature.
Each song was written in the span of usually a couple hours and recorded during the same session.
These offerings would be the four song EP “I” and the single “Cotard Delusion”.
About a year later the band split apart but was then resurrected in January of 2018.
In December of 2018 they released their EP “Triumvirate” which was a vast departure from their earlier works, not only musically but also in process as it was a year long effort and their previous music was released in a much quicker fashion.
Akin more to death/doom the dynamics changed and the music became more riff oriented and more time was spent fleshing out each song.
Self-sufficiency is an important part of IntroVertuM’s sound and vision as each facet of the production is done by the band members (no outsourcing for mixing, mastering, etc) with much influence by metal legends such as Dan Swanö and Peter Tägtgren.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/introvertum/