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biografía : Ceremony Of Opposites

Ceremony of Opposites was vomited out of the darkest depths of Purgatory. The dark trio; As, Pascal en Marcel didnt want to wait for a steady abuser of skins to throw in their musical mayhem into an unsuspecting world. With the help of Sarban (Misanthropia) in February 2005 they tried to record a demo. As recording location Bottelaere -of all places- was chosen. Murphy was there, and in the end it appeared that all recordings on the hard disk were lost (the computer probably couldnt stand the demonic violence the quartet produced).

In May 2005 the first live-gigs were planned and in Sander a drummer was found who had the luxury of a whole week to get ready to storm the stage with the others. The debut-gig was at the illustrious, one-time only Enclave festival (beware, we know all five of you, who were there!!!).

The brute violence of playing the songs live, was just an appetiser for more. To create possibilities for playing more the decision was made to record a demo in September 2005. The Edisound-studio Tilburg was chosen as incubator for the hellish child. All instruments and vocals had to be recorded in one day, so there was one day left for mixing the songs. At last, after 48 hours, the dark afterbirth The Fear Within saw the light of death, ready to bring this world the demise it deserves.

Now Ceremony of Opposites is playing the Dutch venues and festivals and devastating them with her melodic death metal.

Beware, soon they are playing in your town!!!!
Source : http://www.ceremony-of-opposites.com/