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biografía : Blachem

The story of BlaChem as you know it takes its beginning in the year 2000. At that time the band only consisted of the founding members, brothers Magnus (Guitar) and Pontus (Drums), who together had set out to try and realize their vision of what heavy music should sound like.
But only two people cannot create the sometimes magical, often frustrating situation of a real band. So they started to search for two people who could fill the gaps on bass and vocals. After a short search, they hooked up with Niklas Johanson originally from Skövde/Sweden, a very talented guitarplayer who was "persuaded" to pick up the bass instead of the guitar. Niklas had been looking for a band to play with in Stockholm, while he was studying there, and he found it. The vocal position was filled by Nicke Olsson, who had been in a number of bands prior to joining BlaChem.
The now complete band recorded two demos, on "Hate Is... The New Form Of Creed" in Sollentuna outside of Stockholm, and the other "II XII I III VIII V XIII" in Tibro, which is in Niklas Johansson's homeregion. This second demo got quite a good response from anumber of locations around the world but especially in Sweden, where the band was rewarded with 8/10 in the country's leading metal magazine, Close-Up. The demo also got BlaChem a chance to perform on Sweden's largest festival for unsigned bands, Facefront. The band got quite a few gigs in Stockholm with the help of this new demo, thus giving them much needed stage practice.
Unfortunatly, in the beginning of 2002, BlaChem and singer Nicke Olsson went their seperate ways, and after a bit of debating within the band, they decided that it was time to start the search for new singer. It didn't take long before the newest member of BlaChem made his way to the rehearsing quarters. Within only a few weeks, Miguel Vasquez or "Zigge", had taken command of the microphone, this after only one rehearsal. Finally, all the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place, and the band decided to lay off the live playing for a while, to give themselves some time to rehearse old songs and write new ones.
Well, that's about it so far!
To be continued...

Source : http://web.archive.org/web/20021010095559/http://w1.702.telia.com/~u70203043/index1.htm