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Biography : Lord Chacal

Lord Chacal formed in 2005. Comes from the need of Stalin (Necrosepulcral) to create something worthy of black souls seriously so you can capture all their morbid ideas that other bands could not now irrelevant grounds. "The horde does raise its flame with the help of my brother of war, metal and indulgences, Augustine (War Masshit) battery, with whom I had the opportunity to bestialized our instruments once more in the now defunct band of brutal death metal" Morbus Terrorific. Hence the horde joins Darius (Jackal) vocalist, to give more support to the band with his profane voice. So the band remained a good time, giving played without a bassist. Then came a great warrior of the metal, Lucin (Luciferato), taking charge of the four strings in order to increase the flame end of the profane excelsa metal elitist. Lord Chacal clearly makes black metal. Furious, fast, yet technical, worked well. "We try to get the most of the instruments. The band has a demo CD containing 5 vomiting q bestial metal unholy oil based and identifying with the line not only anti-christianism, but against all religion and all it wants to impose q,, also influenced by all the infernal, dark hidden, aberrant, sinister, abominable, and sick. A Lord Chacal also influence what all the morbid, the great darkness sublime living in the bowels of nature, also the great works of literature dark, not forgetting the great masters of evil metal. The band has shared the stage with prominent and serious as war bands, Tedio, hell vomit, maleficum, iadalbaoth, luciferian(colombia), ancient death, necrofobia, nihil domination, eskhaton, sateforp, epidemia, enigmatic spirit, infernal interium, dark forest, & incarnatus…….. Long live Metal, Long Life the Jackal ... Hail Satan,, Hail Lord Chacal.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/lordchacal