The Longest 999 Days of Bestial Passion!

Band's List Black Metal Infernal Goat The Longest 999 Days of Bestial Passion!
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Band Name Infernal Goat
Album Name The Longest 999 Days of Bestial Passion!
Type Compilation
Released date 2005
Labels Frater DM
Music StyleBlack Metal
Members owning this album0


1. Bestial Passion
2. Revenge of Legions
3. The Longest Day of Pain
4. Mundus est Diaboli
5. Diabolical Possession
6. The Art of Illusion
7. Eyes of Darkness
8. Total Conflict of War
9. Creatures of the Abyss
10. Cruel Message of Blood
11. Immense Forest of Desire
12. The Horny and the Horned (Impaled Nazarene Cover)
13. Total Conflict of War (unreleased Version)
14. Diabolical Possession
15. The Art of Illusion

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Infernal Goat