Spoils of Extermination - Foeticidal Maniac

Band's List Grind Death Malaria Spoils of Extermination - Foeticidal Maniac
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Band Name Malaria
Album Name Spoils of Extermination - Foeticidal Maniac
Type Split
Released date 2008
Music StyleGrind Death
Members owning this album1


"Spoils of Extermination"
1. Intro / Battlefield Corpses
2. Trenchfoot
3. Feast on Dismbembered Carnage (Carcass Cover)
4. Massgraves
5. Field Medic Degeneracy
6. Acid Bath (Repulsion Cover)
7. Mustard Gas Asphyxiation
"Foeticidal Maniac"
8. Choking on Putrid Phlegm
9. Embryocide
10. Foeticidal Maniac
11. Grotesque Deformity
12. Infectious Love Disease
13. The Kill (Napalm Death Cover)
14. Neurobiological Corruption
15. Clinical Catastrophe

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