Perished Bodies

Band's List Hardcore Planks Perished Bodies
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Band Name Planks
Album Name Perished Bodies
Type Album
Released date 11 September 2015
Music StyleHardcore
Members owning this album1


1. The Sacrifist, Pt. I (Through Dirge and Death) 06:18
2. Nothing Will Ever Change 05:00
3. Into Lifeless Embrace 03:43
4. She Is Alone 04:38
5. Bliss in All Sorrows Found 05:49
6. Only Now 04:33
7. Perished Bodies 06:07
8. Sadness in Our Ignorance 04:15
9. The Sacrifist, Pt. II (What Does Walking Away Leave Us) 09:18
Total playing time 49:41

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