Onericon - The White Hypnotic

Band's List Melodic Doom Ras Algethi Onericon - The White Hypnotic
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Band Name Ras Algethi
Album Name Onericon - The White Hypnotic
Type Album
Released date 1995
Music StyleMelodic Doom
Members owning this album5


1. Aldebaran Crossing 02:12
2. The Bride Eternal 10:15
3. When Fire Is Father 08:50
4. Keys Of Urtam (A Translucent Vision) 08:38
5. With An Halo Of Flames 02:46
6. Symbols (In Luca Oblique) 12:12
7. Nubes Obscura 05:34
8. In White Hypnotic 06:31

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