Last Travel & Obfuscation (Old Ambush to the Coffin)

Band's List Black Metal Krypthall Last Travel & Obfuscation (Old Ambush to the Coffin)
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Band Name Krypthall
Album Name Last Travel & Obfuscation (Old Ambush to the Coffin)
Type Demo
Released date March 2014
Music StyleBlack Metal
Members owning this album0


Limited to 30 copies
1. Age of Satan's Theozentrizm
2. Epidemic Dominium
3. Begging Nature Forces
4. Once a Country
5. Immerse in Deepest Ruin
6. Opaca Nemora Ahuilizapan Kulmen Vitae (Re-Recorded) 2013
7. Fetido
8. Ancestral Darkest Rain

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