Black Sobereignty

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Band Name Sodom And Gomorrah
Album Name Black Sobereignty
Type Album
Released date 14 February 2009
Music StyleBlack Metal
Members owning this album2


1. Intro / The Fall of Sodom and Gomorrah 00:17
2. Durance of Hate 02:16
3. Nybass 04:39
4. The Returned 04:45
5. He Who the Winds Fear 05:25
6. Upon the Corpses of Light 04:32
7. Our Solemn Defeat 03:47
8. Beneath the Black Flames 04:38
9. Satanic Epic 03:45
10. For Your Honor We Stand 02:47
11. Invocation of Vetis 04:03
12. The Promise of Azazel 04:10
Total playing time 45:04

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Sodom And Gomorrah

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