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Biografie : Ascension Of The Watchers

Ascension of The Watchers, the creative journey of Burton C. Bell and John Bechdel, is a vision born of life, love and spirituality. The music, melodies and lyrics gives one the opportunity to share in Burton 's visions as he sees them, in their purest form. The intimate nature of Ascension of The Watchers is envisioned to draw the minds, hearts and aspirations of a people to a higher level of thinking and feeling by bringing them together in celebration and reflection in the beauty of life and spirituality, through these melodies and words.

In early 2002, Burton retreated to the quiet simplicity of rural Pennsylvania for seven months with his friend and musical confidant John Bechdel, to escape the onslaught of Los Angeles . A mentor in music, philosophy and demeanor, Bechdel unwittingly guided Burton along the path to this project. John's talent, patience and like-mindedness helped Burton 's creative destiny manifest, and through their collaboration they have brought to life a beautiful testimonial that all who listen can relate to.

With Burton 's unprecedented vocal sound and style, coupled with the brilliantly orchestrated musical compositions of both Burton and John, Ascension of The Watchers echoes the sounds of a prophetic hallucination that most can feel in their fears and dreams, with remorse of things lost and forgotten; but with a hope of redemption and light in the future.

Recorded in the hauntingly beautiful seclusion of rural Pennsylvania at The Machine Shop, John's private studio; "Iconoclast" features five original recordings that showcase Burton's ethereal vocal and writing style through thought provoking lyrics and music with a melodic acoustical and synth blend, that shows Burton's constantly evolving musical growth.

After two years of writing and recording, along with reflection on the very personal nature of this project, Ascension of The Watchers will truly begin its journey in 2005 with limited edition vinyl and CD releases of "Iconoclast" and smaller, more intimate live performances to be scheduled throughout the United States and Europe . With additional material being conceptualized and written, Ascension of The Watchers will continue to grow as Burton 's spiritual and musical endeavor well into the future.

Source : http://www.thewatchers.org/main.php