Artesia : New album of ARTESIA!

礼拜一 08 五月 2006 - 11:00:43 by prikos

Style: Dark Atmospheric heavenly voices
References: Dark Sanctuary, Arcana, Elend, Les Secrets de Morphée...
February 2006 - 10 Tracks - 40'

ARTESIA is a new French female duet who comes to us as big surprise, they show obvious great talent! Walking on the roots of bands such as Dark Santuary, Stoa or Arcana, the two sweet sirens use a bed of velvet soft keyboard patterns and romantic violin as base for their odes to the nature, mixed with melancholy, sadness and forlorn daydreams. ‘Hilvern’ could be an ideal accompaniment for the ceremony of retirement of the elves of Lothlorien. Far from mere copies of other Ethereal goth bands, they express sad feelings and solemnity based on deep talent. Romanticism, beautiful enchanting female voices and supreme melancholy are the ingredients of this marvelous gothic opus!

MP3 :
l'autre chemin :
Priere au mortel :


Artesia website :

1 Une nuit en Hilvern
2 L'autre chemin
3 Rencontre avec la Dame
4 La clairière des fées
5 Une ancienne légende
6 Barenton
7 Prière au mortel
8 Les hommes ne se rappellent plus mon nom
9 Eveil et desespoir
10 L'abandonnée

