Mike Reed
Tim Kronyak
Join The Dead
Jimmy P. Brown II
主音, 吉他
Fearful Symmetry
Mike Phillips
Fasedown, Join The Dead
Kevin Lee
1991 - 1993
George Ochoa
Brian Khairullah
1986 - 1992 Kantation
Jeff Mason
1993 - 1996
Chris Hyde
1985 - 1990
Larry Farkas
1985 - 1987 Sircle Of Silence, Die Happy (USA), ex-Vengeance Rising, Once Dead, D.O.G.
Glenn Rodgers
1987 - 1989 ex-Hirax
Manny Morales
David Gilbreath
Jesse Rivera
Mike Grato
1991 - 1992
Jon Knox
1993 - 1994
Jonathan Maddux
1993 - 1995 Judgement (USA-4)