Not a metal album, but still amazing
I love
MSI. I've been a fan of theirs for about 6 years. In that time they released one pretty good CD,
You'll Rebel to Anything and If. Which made for a good $10 coaster for any coffee table, but was musically shit. Frankenstein Girls is definitely their best album out of their 4. But, it is not a metal album and
MSI is not a metal group. I consider them techno punk and it's definitely more accurate than the industrial metal term, a lot of people call it.
MSI always has had the best vocalist in the punk business. Jimmy Urine has the best sound, swagger, humor, and quality of any other vocalist I've heard. His intense high singing is as good of quality as professional female singers in operas. Which is pretty hilarious in my opinion but it definitely works for their sound.
In albums, I usually go for technical instrumentals. I find the instrumentals in this album pretty simple but
MSI makes it work. It goes with the vocals and techno noise. I'm sure most will agree that simple instruments that fit into the songs perfectly is better than over complex instrumentals that go with a song awfully. Everything fits together like a puzzle.
The lyrics of this album is a remnant of The Ramones and
Black Flag where it'd just talk about normal lIfe in a satirical manor. It has an honesty about lIfe that is actually somewhat witty, which I wouldn't expect for a band like this but I do enjoy very much. Not saying i didn't think they had it in them but I bought it before this album and the lyrics were very, let's just say, dIfferent than this album.
Overall this album is funny, witty and it works so I rate it a 19/20. An extremely good punk/techno album.
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