Versallite : Young Hero

Metalcore / Russia
(2020 - Self-Released)
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The old ship took its usual way
But the storm broke, it must be fate!

Only a young hero
Who did not sleep
Dives every time
Rescuing the crew

Only an old pack of cards had known
Everything all along, everything all along
Fate struck a devastating blow
When no one expected that turn

But where is the captain? He can't be found
The ship is leaking, there's no escape
Looks like we can't make to our home
Boats are sinking, friends are drowning in the storm

Only a young hero
Who did not sleep
Dives every time
Rescuing the crew

Water is everywhere, hatches are closed
Somebody is kissing a cross
Saving his friends' lives
Deeper and deeper the young man dives
Now the ship’s almost gone down

Only a young hero
Who did not sleep
Dives every time
Rescuing the crew

He lost his life in the deep
But he became a hero..
But he became a hero, no doubt
He became a hero, no doubt

They will be remembered with honor,
Tears and a glass of wine
They're taken by the water
Till the end of time

Till the end of time
Till the end of time

Palabras añadidas por DmitriyKZ - Modificar estas palabras