Revelation (BLR) : The Forms of Suffering Flesh

Doom Metal / Bélarus
(2004 - Art Music Group)
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A rainy day...
You're sitting by the window
And looking at the rain
It covers you and you plunge
Into its melody of melancholy
you can see the drops
Breaking on the ground
They resemble human life
Just a moment of a flight
And then an inevitable downfall
To the pavement of existence

A rainy day...
nice day for recollections
Flame in the fireplace warms you
Your body but not you soul
They are dejection
And eternal shround of rain
Your heart is like
A broken vessel
Unable to contain
Anything but emptiness
Your soul steel keeps
The warmth of reminiscences...
Those happy days
You think about her...
Her hands...
Smell of her hair...
Her tender touch...
Oh Gods
How long ago it was
So long that seems to be unreal
Grains of recollections
Stiil oscillate
Just like candlelight
On the wind
Its lot is to be blown
Or the reducet to ashes
Despondency and melancholy
Are the symbols of this day
Day of sky tears
Cry of invitability

A rainy day...
Nice day to die
Ti rise the stair of rain
To feel the flight
And then dissolve
In the ocean of tears...


Your eyes...
The boundless skies
Charm of the nigh
Your arms...
Sun caressing the ground

I need your touch
And I'need you
Angels cry from envy
When they see you

Lie by my side
Feel my love

You are angel
You are devil
I kill you by my love
You kill me by indifference
You make suffer
You're my obsession
You exhaust me

All the cohort of the priests
Can't banish Devil from my heart
And do I really want to be cured?
Prolong my torture
Agony of sensual delight

What are life, love and passion?
Without this anguish?
Pleease stay

Let me touch you one more time
My angel...


I see you eyes in the morning light
I feel your breath on my skin
I feel you and I feel of your lips
Should I blame for it myself?
Whether the God was alive when
This eternal agony of love started?
The inevitable beginning of the end
The end of my life and belief

I remember when it happened
It was yesterday
It was happenes yesterday
Eternal esterday
Your eyes told me
"You'll die"
No , my darling
I can't die
I'm already dead
We have been dead for ages
The hollow shels of absurd movement
The forms of suffering flesh

"We have no life" - some people say
"But we have death" - others answere
Byt nobody can give us guarantee that
Death is deliverance
Whether the God was alive when
This inevitable beginning of fading
The beginning of the end
The end of my life and belief

I seek an insight incide my heart
And understand
A must kill myself again
I listen to your heart
And I want this
A must kill myself again

Where was the God?
When this eternal agony of love started...


But seed of hatred so intensively
Hidden had taken
Root in their souls
And the entire moral
Principles were perverted
Ability to mould themselves
Turned into wish
Of self-destruction
And world conquest

The world is now converted into ash
And devastated by wars
Qur Earth was once presented as Heaven
And now is turned into Hell

And then the gates of purification
Were erected
The gates of integrety
The gates that let inside
But never outside
The gates...
Centurise held the pressure of there
Inflamed mind

But their Deities proclaming
Dissimulative penance and virtu
Gave birth to hypocrites
Able to overcome the barrier...


Appear, oh child of vicious sunrise!
I appeal to you!
Making a sacrifice
Of my sensual delight's energy.

Renouncing immediacy,
I'm ready to stay in eternity
My flesh is like the ground waiting
For moisture of knowledge
In order that the seeds of truth germinate.
What is humanity? Ears of rye.
What are the Earth if not the field for reaping?

Give me the clue, give knowledge
In order that I separate seeds and weeds.
Give me the light and give some force
In order that I may irrigate the crops

Appear, oh child of vicious sunrise!
I appeal to you!
Making a sacrifice
Of my sensual delight's energy

By the fiery rain,
For the look pure, but they are black inside.
Give me the wind
And I'11 disperse the ash of this imaginary harvest.

What is humanity? Ears of rye.
What are the Earth if not the field for reaping?

Give me the rain of healing,
Moisture of innocence.
The ground is healthy,
But the crops are ill!


(No lyrics available)


He has been attracted by her beauty
But she was the Devil inside
Stay away of that sweet bride

The Queen of the night
The daughter of the light
The old Lady in black
The young beauty in red

She is the hot and cold coin
With two different sides,
But in reality they are the same
If You want to know her name
Look into these mad eyes
Haven't you recognize her yet?
She is the snake

Who crushes your heart
But won at you are awakes.
She was just your nightmare

On witch you stared as a stone statue
At a trie you are alive
But in that vanity of day again
You are some where away from us
And only stars know where are you today
Have you enslaved to preciouns moon




My life suffocates
Planting seeds of hate
I've loved, turned to hate
Trapper far beyond my fate

I give You take
This life that I forsake
Been cheated of my youth
You turned this lie to truth

Anger Misery
You'll suffer unto me

Harvester of sorrow
Language of the mad
Harvester of sorrow

Pure black looking clear
My work is done soon hear
Try getting back to me
Get back which used to be

Drink up Shoot in
Let the beating begin
Distributor of pain
You loss becomes my gain

All have said their prayer
Invade their nightmare
See into my eyes
You'll find where murder lies


Harvester of sorrow
Language of the mad
Harvester of sorrow


Дождливый день
Унылый серый вечер
Ты, сидя у окна, встречаешь боль
Глаза дождя окутывают плечи
И на лице меланхолии соль

А он упрямо барабанит в стекла
И погружает в свой унылый звон
Хотя душа уже давно промокла
И виноват, как жаль, увы, не он

Ты видишь капли, они словно души
В невинности обречены судьбой
Лететь, кружить и упоенно слушать
И вот финал на глупой мостовой

Ведь так и жизнь, мгновение полета
Случайный взгляд замеченный тобой
И есть ли смысл загадывать о чем-то
Когда финал на той же мостовой

Огонь в камине, день воспоминаний
В слепых попытках обогреть себя
Но проку нету даже от признаний
Когда на сердце пелена дождя

И жизнь как сон, который кем-то прерван
Душа – сосуд для слез небытия
В нем трещины, осколки, скомы нервов
Отныне пустоты стезя сия

Роса небесных слез уже пролита
И дремлешь ты у роковой черты
Безликий облик, все уже забыто
И лишь крупицы все еще тверды

Упрямо тени падают на стены
В них чей- то образ, шепот за спиной
И ледяной и пламенный, знакомый
Но все что было, было ли со мной

Нет ничего страшней воспоминаний
Они словно шипы пронзают плоть
И обнажая душу для страданий
Рвут то, что, раньше, якобы срослось

Но и они всего лишь дымка, скоро
Словно свечи блужданье на ветру
Удел сгореть, истлеть дотла которой
Или погаснуть на страстном пиру

Дождливый день…
Хороший день для жатвы
По лестнице дождя подняться ввысь
Не говоря не глупых слов, не клятвы
Дождливый день…
…соизмеримый в жизнь

И с высоты взглянуть на все что было
Познав еще раз откровенье грез
Познав полет, с неудержимой силой
Упасть, нырнуть и раствориться
В бурлящем, грешном океане слез

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