Crucifuck : Übermensch

Thrash Metal / Spain
(2012 - Self-Released)
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Crushing, smashing, burning, destroying,
Pure merciless against the christian rats.
Breaking their crosses with hammers of spikes,
We have to burn their churches with gasoline.

Rape the priests as they like to violate the childs,
Rape them until they shit fire.

You'll see how funny slashing their necks,
Their filthy blood will flow, flow on the ground.
We're going to triturate the bodies of those hypocrites,
Becoming them in food for the dogs.

Rape the priests as they like to violate the childs,
Rape them until they shit fire.

Fuck, we fuck brutally and hard,
Show no mercy with the christian arses.
Cum inside, piss their faces, rip their ass holes more and more,
Spit in their cross before the violation.
The only thing that they deserve.


You have lived in terror,you've felt the fear,
Always with my shadow behind your feet.

The nightmare has begun,
You can run but you can't hide.
Assume your death is only the begining,
This is the only way for betrayers like you.

I split your throat hammering,
Opening a wound that i start to fuck,
Then i piss inside,
You're drowning with this reaching to your lungs.

Out of control i chew your belly
Disembowelling you before your eyes.
You're still alive spiting blood,
Gasping for air and crying for death.

There's no way out,you're my slut, you're my victim.
Rape you as a beast is my only will.

Tied up in this chair
With severe wounds all over your body
You know you're fucked to hide alive,
So enjoy this time i rip your ass.

I like to kick your face
And see your teeth flying away.
Your corpse will be given to your mother,
I wanna see her crying like a bitch.

Out of control i chew your belly
Disembowelling you before your eyes.
You're still alive spiting blood,
Gasping for air and crying for death.


Out of control i chew your belly
Disembowelling you before your eyes.
Punishment is done, without life
Your body is eaten by worms.


Can you hear the screams of pain
Of burning innocents?
Do you know the usurper's name
Who's violating them?

The fucking jew,
The zionist,
They live for war,
Can't stop their bloodthirst.

Hungry rats for territory,
Usurers vicious for money,
Your culture is a daughter of a bitch
And under torture you will die.

The fucking jew,
The zionist,
They live for war,
Can't stop their bloodthirst.

Mother fucker!


You who are weak have fallen in the lies of religion
Trying to clean your mind from your sins under doctrines,
But i have seen the light and i know your words are shit
'Cause you are still the same sinner, the same human but an...

I jerk off on your beliefs.
You are obnoxious and you know it.
Never try to bend my soul,
My only answer will be a stab.

See your fucking face makes me vomit,
I hate you on an abnormal way,
Put your holy book inside your ass,
The only place it will be usefull...

I shit on your fucking cross.
Kill you is my only will.
Never try to bend my soul,
My only answer will be a stab.

My eyes are filled in blood
And my fists clenched ready to attack.
I will avenge the kids victims of your pedophile priests,
Tell me, what do you think about this shame? Uh?


I spit on your beliefs.
Kill you is my only will.
Never try to bend my soul,
My only answer will be a stab.


Hatred against my fucking life,
Emptiness surrounding me.
Day by day my soul
Burns and dies in misery.

And now, with nothing more to give
I only wish to die alone,
'Cause i have seen my life
Going to shit frustrated.

Feel no more is the willing of my heart,
I have lost all that i wanted.
Holding this shit is just a simple thing,
The hardest is what i'll do...
Kill you and then kill myself.

Fuck you.

Anger running through my veins
Claims revenge, you are guilty of sin,
Mankind fuck you all
With your hipocrisy.

Feel no more is the willing of my heart,
I have lost all that i wanted.
Holding this shit is just a simple thing,
The hardest is what i'll do...
Kill you and then kill myself.


Feel no more is the willing of my heart,
I have lost all that i wanted.
Holding this shit is just a simple thing,
The hardest is what i'll do,
Hardest is what i'll do...
Kill you and then kill me,
Kill you and then kill myself.


This is your last breath,
Prepare to die.
You never thought
That this moment would come.

Nobody believes
The shit of your doctrines,
The scum of your religion,
The poison of your words.

Unholy war,
This is our fate,
Reconquer all...
Unholy war!

Death for betrayers,
There's no mercy here.
In the battlefield
Only the strong survive.

Will guide us in fight.
The people have rising
And there's no turning back.

Unholy war,
This is our fate,
Reconquer all...
Unholy war!

Destroy 'em!
Unholy war!

Sacrificing blood and sweat we will
Be the fire, a commiting storm,
The iron fist that crush the enemy.
You know this end justifies this ways.

Unholy war,
This is our fate,
Reconquer all...
Unholy war!

Destroy 'em!
Destroy 'em all!
Unholy war!


Another day passes away before my eyes,
Drinking, destroying me, waiting to die.

Be alive was not my choice, nobody asked,
Life is really a cancer that slowly kills us all.
The only sure thing i have is that death always comes,
And the sooner the better, 'cause i don't take it anymore.

Nothing makes sense, we're only dust in the sands of time,
There's no reason to suffer anymore,
So let me die.

All kind of drugs i have tasted day after day
Has been the poison that made me withstand.

Be alive was not my choice, nobody asked,
Life is really a cancer that slowly kills us all.
The only sure thing i have is that death always comes,
And at last i see the cold white light at the end of the path.


Women are shit,
Men are shit,
Mankind is shit and this is a fact.

We are no more than bastard baboons
Running through the jungle,
Looking for fuck.

We are the most obnoxious being
That never walked around the earth.
We've corrupted the air we breath
With our fecal way of life.

This is the end, what we deserve.
A needed step to kill doctrines
And becoming a new race...

Der übermensch!

Pure scum is our existence,
Insignificant chunks of flesh.

There's no difference between us,
'Cause after death we are only dust.

We are the most obnoxious being
That never walked around the earth.
We've corrupted the air we breath
With our fecal way of life.

This is the end, what we deserve.
A needed step to kill doctrines
And becoming a new race...

Der übermensch!

This is the begining of the end of the world's ills.
Doctrines, domination and religions are breaking down.

Then there's a hope for us all,
But only can be made by the strongest.
So, join us!


We count the days to see burning this empire,
When religions will be fallen.
Reason is the light that guide us and unleash
Against opression of doctrines.

We must overcome the common human being
To becoming a new level,
So we have to slay the believers of the world,
Very specially the christians.

Clean the shit, kill 'em one by one, burn their holy books.
Make them suffer with a rusty knife, begins the genocide.
Nothing to lose, we don't fucking care if we die in fight.
Death is better than be alive in this fucking hell.

Burn, destroy and fuck,
This fallen system sucks.
Burn, destroy and fuck,
This fallen system dies.

Limits? We have not. Remorse? What the fuck is that?
While you're working they steal your money,
Bankers and politicians want you blind and quiet.

Media manipulation or police represion
Is no longer enough to control us,
'Cause we're pissed off, but very fuckin' pissed off
And this will turn into a bloodbath.

Clean the shit, kill 'em one by one, burn their holy books.
Make them suffer with a rusty knife, begins the genocide.
Nothing to lose, we don't fucking care if we die in fight.
Death is better than be alive in this fucking hell.

Burn, destroy and fuck,
This fallen system sucks.
Burn, destroy and fuck,
This fallen system dies.


We're sole survivors
In this empty land,
Riding with our hammers,
Smashing your skulls.

Christians, jews and other
Rubish all over the world,
We have a corner reserved
Especially for you in hell.

We've won the battle
Against your teaching and lies.
Freedom for minkind,
This is our fate.

This is not your kingdom
Or any place on earth,
But we have a corner reserved
Especially for you in hell.

Yeah, beneath the fire.


Palabras añadidas por gorky - Modificar estas palabras