ARG : Heathenism in Penitentiary

I came loose from my dead body
Carry my corpse to my silent grave
Come with me you spiritual liar
Convert whole parish to my dark desire
You asked my name, it´s not a shame
It´s enough if you feel that inner pain
You fucking priest don´t you see my ghastly face
Hate and bitterness blinded that fervent man
Kill or be killed, that´s question for you
Life without sin the answer to this crime
Jesus will save your asshole
Live and kill, aggressive will wait
Your faith, confirmation in your mind
Pray for God in altar of fire
Aggressive confessor
Your only change is to choose my way
Prays can´t help you to save
Paradise and saviour are not real
Forget your futile lies and come next to me
3. RIP
Forced to use touch deeds
Getting away from the pain
Blood bursting evil seeds
Creeping into every vein
Crying from the heart
Tells you the final truth
There´s nothing what apart
without ripping your flesh
Rip your flesh
Pain crawls everywhere
Rip your flesh
Pain doesn´t care
This disease of humans
Got very famous reputation
Spreading over the nation
Sudden, fast self destruction
Suffer all your life
With the thousands pains
There´s no time
It destroys your soul
You live badly
But that´s not the point
Disease will proudly
Wash you down to hell
Growing dark inside me
Suspense of existence
I´m looking for a shape to be
Thing in the mirror isn´t real
Seek - lust of flesh
Greed - I found my bliss
Immortality - the gods gift
Hate - the child of god
Meat - warm and sweet
Scream - unconscious body
My destiny is bloody
The envoy in wisdom and power
He gave me the might of life
Strength to my bestial desire
Weak´s sentence is to die
Moon is my holy commander
Voice inside my head
There´s no divine forgiveness
My punishment is to eat their flesh
Return from the distant realm
Hands in blood and face in sweat
Locked in oppressions circle
Death and pain I only met
Nails and fangs, unreal delusion
I´m in labyrinth of magic sphere
Bursting brainwash to kill
His demands fulfilled by perforation
Men with their guns are behind
The night of solution will come
I´m doomed to misantrophy
Or is that an ominous dream
Inner scream isn´t silent
When the moon is round
I devote to my dying
Maalaispoika se heinää raiskaa
Ja illalla hanskat maahan paiskaa
Mankan päälle piruuttaan nakkaa
Päänsä seinään verille hakkaa
Janoonsa kumoaa oluen miedon
Unohtanut on jo äidin kiellon
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Lauantai-ilta kun saapuu taloon
Niin isäntä se saunan lämpiämään panoo
Massey se tallissa yksin oottaa
Että isäntä se aamulla taas puottaa
Nyt hän saunassa vihtoo kera vaimon
Aamulla saa taas lehmiltä maidon
Tallissa on massey ferguson
lyrics added by tbc85 - Modify this lyrics