Rocking Metal Motherfucker

Liste des groupes Black Thrash Barbatos (JAP) Rocking Metal Motherfucker
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Nom du groupe Barbatos (JAP)
Nom de l'album Rocking Metal Motherfucker
Type Album
Date de parution 28 Juin 2003
Style MusicalBlack Thrash
Membres possèdant cet album13


1. Red Leather Bitch 02:33
2. Satanik Beer 02:22
3. Rocking Metal Motherfucker 02:27
4. Drink Till Death 02:31
5. Blond Hair and Bitch! 02:14
6. 666 Deadly Omens 02:15
7. Hot Sex! 02:03
8. Erotic Dancer 02:01
9. Apocalyptic Nuclear Hell 02:33
10. One Shot! One Kill! 02:24
11. Sexual Alcohol Metal 02:03
12. I Love to Eat Pussy 01:38
13. Dick Is Fucking Big 02:16
14. Conflagration 04:50
15. Live Songs Bonus 09:52
Total playing time 44:02

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 $33.05  32,36 €  31,43 €  £28.94  $49.64  26,25 €  34,31 €
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Barbatos (JAP)