David Readman

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Nom du groupe David Readman
Nom de l'album David Readman
Type Album
Date de parution Septembre 2007
Style MusicalHard Rock
Membres possèdant cet album16


1. Without You
2. Evil Combination
3. Take These Tears
4. Don't Let Is Slip Away
5. No Peace for the Wicked
6. Long Way to Heaven
7. Wild in the City
8. Gentle Touch
9. Prisoner of Shame
10. New Messiah
11. Over the Ocean
12. Love in Vain
Bonustrack (Video)
13. Don't Let Is Slip Away

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 $97.68  499,00 €  499,00 €  £415.67  $271.99  499,00 €  499,00 €
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David Readman

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