Wehrmacht : Biermächt

Thrash Metal / Etats-Unis
(1988 - Shark Records / New Renaissance Records)
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Why do people play these games ?
Fuck with my head, it's all the same,
Push me too far, then lie and fake it.
You're pushing your luck and I can't take it !
Spread a rumor, put me down,
You make me laugh you fucking clown.
C'mon, admit it, you stabbed my back,
I feel like my mind's been attacked !
Two faced smile,
I know you're fake,
Your likes and dissin',
Is something I can't take,
You fucked up my life,
But now I'm back in place.
You broke my heart so I broke your face,
You live upon materialistic greed,
Vicious headgames I don't need,
I can't figure it out,
What is the solution,
That's just life,
It's mental pollution,
I'm someone you can pee on,
I'm not gonna be your emotional tampon,
Don't use me for a stepping stone,
I'm better off all alone, on my own.
Do you get what I'm saying,
Is the message clear ?
Don't ignore me, listen up and hear,
Or do I have to carve it on your forehead with an exacto knife ?
I've got my own life, don't distract me.
Scar my brain, too bad you can't see that I have learned from these mistakes
that I have learned not to relate with people who humiliate and betray me,
And try to run my machine,
Because insecure,
Psychotic people like that are just a bad dream.


Addicted to the horror, I love to see the blood,
Excitement runs through my veins
As I watch them kill the young
Adrenalin is strong,
I thrive brutal death depicting scenes of graphic violence
Is what fills up my head.

Murders, stabbing, snuffing I watch in sheer intent.
Slaughters, bleeding, eating, amusement makes me laugh.
People going crazy, killing just for fun,
Hitmen getting paid to kill victims with their guns.

Heads cut off here, guts chewed up there,
Eyes scan the screen with that sickening vile stare.
As long as there is Adism,
Scraping and messy gore,
I won't even care


What's the use in fighting a stupid meaningless war ?
They say that they want peace, but they keep buying more And more.
I don't support these traitors,
It's something I won't do I'd rather get the friends Together,
Reef and drink some brew,
You're old enough to kill at 18,
But much too young to drink,
It's not that it stops us anyway,
It's just stupid, don't you think ?
We can scream in their face and they still don't listen
They're fully set in their ways don't give up,
But just face the facts the world has seen better days
I love brew and it loves me
We have fun religiously fuck their war,
They won't get me 'cause life's too short to pay their fees
If I only had a beer for every bomb they have built,
To get it shape,
We drinksercise and pump aluminum.
Draft beer, not me,
Drink beer, be free


They had arisen taking control,
Ruling the land, leaders of all.
Rise of the reich,
Masters supreme,
Wanting the world they almost succeeded.
Nation to nation they pillaged the land.
Retaliation with swift command.
Crushing the weak those in their way,
We prayed for the day...

Under the swastika all bullshit stands the master race Carried the plans...
Ovens were warning chambers were full but Hitler had fallen Out of control,
We are not fascist...

5. EVERB / E... ! / MICRO-E !



Oh my God, I feel so hungry.
Just got a craving for some munchies,
I want some pizza,
I want it now,
Gimme some food,
So I can chow,
I love to eat,
Until full
I can't stop eating,
I'm on a roll,
Pig and pig,
Until my stomach bloats.
Shoving more grub down my throat
Munchies !!!
C'mon, mom, give me some food,
I feel like an Ethiopian dude,
The more I wait,
The more I'll complain,
I can't believe this, a hunger pain ?
Rib chaw,
Pizzamacht, barbecue chicken,
The greasy fast food clock is ticking,
If we come to your house, we'll raid your fridge,
In search of food, we're on a fridge,
In search of food,
We're on a binge
We eat out, we drink up.
We're never gonna stop,
If you don't have beer,
We'll gladly drink your pop,
Now I know because I've experienced the deadly disease,
It's a hunger thriving inward twisting feeling called the


There was a night, that you and I know about,
A night with fright and evil to let out.
There was man named Michael,
Whose thoughts were to kill and annoy
Since he was a quiet little boy.

Twisted demented slashing,
The shape started smashing,
Skulls crushed brains mushed,
The blood starts to rush steel thrashing in,
Horrid dying grin,
Face carved like a pumpkin on this deadly night of sin.

If he comes by, don't ask why,
Don't get in his way you might become prey.
If you want life,
Don't meet his butcher knife,
You may be the lucky guy to die.
Don't fuck around, before it's too late,
All you get is a fast rate of fate,
Stalking demon will grate your face
Unless you run and hide in another state or place.

Halloween - night of pain death and Samhain,
Night he came home
If you do take off,
He won't care,
He'll just snuff the next to dare,
But always beware of that deadly thrashing night,
'Cause his idea of fun is killing everything in sight.


I may go fast, you may go slow.
She might know it all,
He might not know.
We might get drink you might be straight
They could be soon, we could be late
They will like it,
But you could hate it,
Put all the pieces together and simply relate it,
Opinions are like assholes,
Listen up and think,
Everybody has one and they all fucking stink,
Who is right, who is wrong ?
They could be weak,
They could be strong,
Some walk proud, when others may fall,
You may be blind, but still see it all...
Some people are healthy, some people are sick
Some tell the truth and others turn a trick,
I might push, and she might pull
We could be hungry, they could be full
Some want in, others want out
He is quiet and she is loud,
We are weird, they are normal,
We dress poorly, they dress formal,
One man's whisper is another man's yell,
Like positive and negative,
It weights out on the scale
Some heads are open, some are close minded
They see what's happening,
The others are just blinded,
Those who are concerned, those who don't give a shit,
Things don't work out right,
Things go as it is

Balance of opinion

Some say "no" and some say "yes",
Some under stress, I am for sure,
Others just guess,
I pay a lot, they pay less
Alternative is a spice of life pick what you want and do What like,
Damned if you do, damned if you don't stick to your views,
Who cares if they won't.


Teacher tells my parents that I've been skipping school.
Don't matter to me 'cause I don't care,
That school is just for fools.

Suck my dick

They bitch me out,
It's nothing new to me it's just a game,
But when they start to say
You're grounded,
I just turn and say.


So I called my girl to see how she's been,
Damn she's being a snotty arrogant bitch again.
She caught me messin' around with this other chick,
We had sex so told her with who...



Drink !
Drink Jack !
Drink Jack !
Drink Jack !


I wake up in the morning with a splitting headache,
The hangovers taken effect,
My head pounds hard, there's no aspirin to take
So I guess I'll just have to dissect

First I'll take the serrated steak knife
And slowly cut away at my skin down to the muscle,
As I grind and I grit piercing my nerves, it slides in,
Now's the time to cut through my muscles so I grab the Circular saw
Skin and blood spurts into my eyeballs as I feel the blade Hit my jaw
Hack at my neck with a maul axe
Bludgeon my trachea, I can't breathe,
Gurgling blood,
I'm choking in syntax my eyes pop out and bleed
Now comes the time to sever my jugular,
Boy, is this ever fun,
Take a sharp razor and slice it in half my blood shoots out Like a gun

Start up the chainsaw to finish the task grind it into my bones,
Completing the task, it's over and done,
My head flops to the floor like a stone
Radical Neck Dissection,
cut off your head it's really fun,
its the best hangover prevention, and a lot more exciting than a gun.


Alcoholics, heavyweights, listen to what I have to say,
Keep paying dues and drinking brews
'Cuz beer is here to stay when you wanna party and you must Get high,
Go to the store, it's time to fly,
Buy a case, a shorty or a forty.
If your cash is low, get an import or a cheap quart.


Millions every year get busted with
Stricken fear for drinking and driving,
Liquor thriving and puking up beer.
Intoxication, obliviation is a fun recreation,
Especially with participation through-out the nation.
Going to keggers, playing quarters, chokin' on beer bongs,
And drink and pass all got class when it comes to stinking Suds !

1. Budweiser, Schlitz, Magnum, Old English, Hamms, Lucky, Terminator
2. Generic, Ranier, Colt 45, Buckhorn, Heineken, Pabst, Moonsehead
3. Anchor Porter, Anchor Steam, Lebatt's, Miller, Storh's, Henry's privvate reserve
4. Sapporo, Foster's, Lowenbrau, Red Bull, Mickey's Guiness Stout





Lead a path from this destructive place,
Cannot be slaughtered into an unholy disgrace,
A dark fate awaits the final mistake,
Be free. You must escape.

Who ? You were targeted for termination,
Blown away to desolation.
Who's next to be tagged for termination ?
Somebody's averted.

Eyes of hatred peek upon you, have to figure out
A way to get fuckin' through, someone's claimed a big
Price on your head, that someone wants you face down
Now it's too late, you screwed up, made a big mistake,
Death gave you the final date.


You've seen the rest now hear the best
We've come here to say total thrash we play
Crush all the fags they have no say,
Uncontrolled power we can blow them away

Bursting your ears spurting mass blood,
Poser control will steal your soul, we've
Come to bash to pound and smash, we're here
To stay ; come to blow you away

Thrashing your heads
Sloshing your brains
Intense painful whiplash
We will take the blame,
Each song results in total mayhem
We'll never slow down, the heaviest around

Enter the pit then skank or die,
Dive off the stage yes you can fly
Stomp on your face the mersh I dread
Don't sit around get slammed instead

17. S.O.P.

Every damn weekend when I go out and find a party
Sometimes I see the same chicks from the last week's kegger,
Walking around looking like clones and if you got drugs
Or money, they would love to jump your bones

It's a case of same old pussy... S.O.P.

Once in a while I like a nice tight twat,
But I get really pissed when I enter a house of tuna rot
And you know man I really get sick when a fine looking
Chick starts turning a trick !


Don't you always hate it, after some
Girls been drinking, They'll act like
Stupid idiots and they'll never shut up
Talking ! They'll blab your bleeding ears
Off and they're always extremely loud !
As you sit there wondering, "What's this
Chick talking about ?"

And then one starts to hang on you !
Like you're going out. So you tell the wench
To go away, which causes her to pout !
So she tells her friends that you stuck
Up, and you have a bad attitude. So you tell
The "I'll put you on my list" and then
She'll have to wait for you !


Wanna-be's here, and cheeseheads there, dicks
Give me shit about my hair !
Fuck'em all, they can
Blab if they want.
It's their fucking lives,
We will haunt.
Posuers, wankers, mersheads, the Crues.
The Ratt's, the W.A.S.P.'s.
They all got sucker followers that spend a high cost,
I'm not here for cash,
I just wanna thrash.
For stupid groups like those
We laugh when they all pose.
I like my music best
Cause it pukes of all the rest.

Get in out face... and your bloody guts
Will spill

Too many trendies, crowdin' up the streets, it's
Their followers that are very weak. Don't they
Realize they look too neat! If they really want
Excitement, they should jump in out slam pit !...

Maybe they'll enjoy it, or may they'll
Regret it and run out like hell.
Super high P.A. dives clearing all the crowd.
All rockers left, 'cus were just too loud !
Army boots stomping and elbows swinging...
Bodies bruised up and battered heads stinging !!


When it comes to the weekend,
My friends and I get drunk. You may
Think it's strange but the boot is
Cool to us. We buy a case of Lucky
Lager for 7,47$, so we fill the boot
Up to the rim, which puts us all in
Heaven !

[Chorus] (x2)
United Shoe Brothers !

Pass the boot around the room,
And chug the sacred brew. And if you
Turn it down, lightweight, we will
Laugh at you !

Make donations of your beer
Initiate the next in line. And if
They're afraid of "Athlete's Mouth",
They're just a wimpy swine.


Michael had been shot many of times,
But Loomis realised
It wasn't easy for him to die !
So the shape escaped without a trace,
And body after body he left
A horrible disgrace.

Dr. Loomis figured out with total
Concentration, that Samhain, demonic ritual
Of pain, was Michael's celebration.
And his only mode was to search and
Kill his sister, Laurie Strode.

Halloween II - The Shape strikes again.
The night isn't over, until he meets the end.
He'll search throughout every neighborhood,
Slashing his way, until he kills
His sister in cold blood.


Try to get a job, that's what they say
But all the jobs are gone, and we have to pay
They come in the huge boats, too many to count
Our country's pilling up, it's starting to mount

Please - I want to work
Get out - you miserable jerk
Go home - to your flea-bitten life
Or I - will use my knife !!!

Id like to get a gun, put a hole in their head
Crush 'em to the ground, pound until they're dead,
You can't understand them, "What did you say ?"
Get out of my space, I'll do it my way

They're everywhere you go, you cannot get free
All they want is money, from you and me
Why are they here? We'll never know
Kick them all out and then we can grow

Go Home !
Go Home !!
Go Home !!!
Go Home !!!!!

23. ANTI

You say you know, and hear what is new
You're on top of the scene, a regular "Shoe"
What's all this fuss, does it matter at all ?
Who's better than who ? Make others feel small
You're not too much, more of a stud
Than all those folks, you flick so much crud...

It's just a game that all people play
To be better than you, that's what they'll say
I don't really care, you're as equal as me,
No one is better, I wish they could see
We are all the stuck here on this merry-go-round
This hell-hole called life, worst pit I have found
Learn that you're equal, the same as rest,
you're not so great, stop thinking you're the best !

Anti - Down with this
Anti - Down with that
Anti - You don't like this
Anti - You don't like that

Anti - You think you're the best
Anti - Fuck all the rest
Anti - You think you're so cool
Anti - You're really a fool


One flick of the switch, and we're all dead.
One nation destroyed, it moves on ahead. Bombs
Destroy everything here, no time to live, or
Cry a tear.

Beg for your life, down on your knees.
Warmongers hate! Kill as they please.
Fallout is arising, people vaporising.
The blast is so bright, it takes out your sight.
Cars overturned, houses are burned.
Nature is lost, to total chaos.
Deathly air, everywhere, decaying flesh, here and there.

Napalm spreads on, our city is gone.
Avert the task, what more could you ask ?
It's just too late, we agree with fate
Our governments fucked, and we were all shucked !


Walking through the woods, a bear
It munches you. Put your head in a
Vice, go drilling for the goo.
Fall one hundred thousand fest,
Go splat in the middle of town.
Your head lops off from a chainsaw
And falls down to the ground.

From behind, a blade slides in, and
Opens up your veins. Under your car, the pump
Gives way and squashes all your brains.
A great white shark rips you limb from limb,
A jigsaw cuts the flesh, it tears around the rim.

"An execution", hear the cry, shock ! It pops
Your eyes.
A rope wrapped firmly around your neck,
It ends all your lives.
Now they stuff M-80's down your fucking
Throat, when they go, you will blow, and
Then start to bloat.

Pour some gas on your head, then light a match.
Stuff your friend in the oven,
Then lock the latch.
Creme your face on the ground,
Falling off your bike.
Fall from a cliff Bub,
While taking a nature hike.




Screaming in anguish the pain starts to burn
And then you lose all control
The razor sharp teeth are hungry for flesh
Its, wrath needs to unfold

Frenzy begins, their all coming back
To commit lethal sins, Shark attack

Swimming the ocean in search of its prey
It loves to eat you alive, showing no fear
Its eyes can see on you only you it will thrive

Devouring everything in its sight this eating
Machine from hell, delivering a package that's
Labeled as death a story you won't live to tell

Now you have come to see a dead end through
Eyes that have seen better days
It shreds apart all your limbs in a water
Of blood red haze


28. PUKE


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