Unsaint : Worthless Sacrifice

Thrash Metal / Poland
(2012 - Self-Released)



Don't suppose we are blind
Seems we have lost our fuckin’ minds
Disgorging waste two centuries every hour
Mindless exploitation grows strong
To whom does all this belong?
No resource left now to devour

Thoughtless, dumb and ignorant, build another powerplant
Count the hours, count the days
Watch the earth ripped off it’s grace
Just don’t worry, just don’t care,
Pretend like it’s not here
Soon we’ll hear the same tune
Next century, none will be left

Shores bathed in oil stains
Polluted air, tainted seas
Where once where forests now empty plains
The hand that’s pulling strings
You can see it becoming
Wasteland’s here, can hear it’s calling

Thoughtless, dumb and ignorant, build another powerplant
Count the hours, count the days
Watch the earth ripped off it’s grace
Just don’t worry, just don’t care,
Pretend like it’s not here
Soon we’ll hear the same tune
Next century, none will be left

Come to your senses
Or bitterly pay
Before the planet fades away
Cause it ain't give a
shitabout our lives,
it will reborn when parasites die
Like many times!
Many times...

On a poisonous ground
Are we ever gonna learn
On a poisonous ground
Motherfuckers gonna burn
On a poisonous ground
Motherfuckers gonna burn
Motherfuckers gonna burn
Motherfuckers gone!




This crippled man
He walks through the streets
His body's not broken but
There's something he needs

An abysmal urge to tear of skin
And there's nothing left
Only fleshboned machine

Lingering desire
Of a pale sky
Clouded heart screams for suicide

Suicide... Suicide!
Suicide... Suicide!

Now you die....

As the noose tightens up
Defiance lightens pyre
Where all my sins are laid down to expire

Transparent ghostlike days
Emerge in the shade
Of the black-eyed windows staring
At my future today

Well I sold my soul to cold pit of hate
It feels good in this most reasonable state
And I broke the limits and I broke the bonds
Watch me going divine and take the notes

Have another sip
I'll open veins for you
But now you're mine
And I willl flow you through

There'll be no end, no last request
A beckoning beginning is what I offer best


Hail the Dead! You’re all to be praised!
You’re equal in pain. You shall be forgotten
Hail the Dead! You’re all to be praised!
Uncover divine illusion.

Take a glance at dying one, don't give me abstractions
The pain I feel is all for me, the circle’s complete
Wait for the dawn, the end of all - Sardonic prayer
I'll give you a sign when I am ready to die:
My sneering smile

Ironic laughter – the epitaph
for all contradictions, damnation of all
The Horsemen are here and the Judgment is near
The mankind’s scorn
The Lamb wasn’t born

Silence is overwhelming - The pain is real
Forthcoming chaos is all I see
The cold transfiguration: flesh to flesh
No transcendence, no gates to Hell

I’ve stolen faith and away you turned
Borrowed time for no life

Scarce, devoid of hope, of love
The collapse of mind

Take a glance at dying one
don't give me abstractions
The pain I feel is all for me
the circle’s... COMPLETE!

Hail the Dead! You’re all to be praised!
No Heaven awaits us, no victory
Hail the Dead! You’ve all transcended
To nothingness. To nothing else.
Seize the undivine, the human ungod
I Am as I Am
Recall the past time, a child knowing nothing
No truth and no lie

No lie

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