Turned To Stone : The Memory I've Become

Melodic Death / USA
(2013 - Self-Released)
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My brief pastoral summer was trifled away.
I look back on it now, but the memory is starting to fade.
There was selfish striving, it was all in vain.
Full of hollow desires and trophies I cared to obtain.
This path I chose composed my fate I must obey, now going astray.
The painful embers cool to ash, diminishing haze,
as the memory is starting to fade.

Bitterest side of me, all I revealed.
Pharaohesque pride decreed, all I could feel.

Life was a test, I failed this time.
The memory I've become.
There was no rest, no bell would chime,
For the memory I've become.

My hoard of memories are depleting away.
How I wish to retain, but the memory is starting to fade.
There’s so little remaining, and so little to say.
I burned through a life fueled by the choices I made.
I've forgotten the hour, I've lost count of the days.
Given another chance, I know I would change every moment,
but the memory is starting to fade.

Dissolving identity, fading in time.
Grave anonymity, no bell would chime.

This life of futility, leave it behind.
My future's a memory, burned from my mind.


Blood drawn from the stone.
Flush, vermilion overflow.
Painting dead leaves.
Self summoning.

Return to form, undiluted.
A recognizable figure.
Reclaim the fire, independence.
True face revealed in the mirror.
Release the bonds that constrain me.
Revoke my trust in a treacherous world.

Tears form, melting ice. Sweat, staining glass.
Breath, warms the sky. Mind empties.

Skin, turned to stone. Eyes seek the path.
Lips, smeared with ash. Heart vacates.

Claw to the root, find the words.

Answer the summons !

Learn the source, in the void.

Answer the summons !

Sound the horn, hail the dawn.

Answer the summons !

Be reborn, made anew.

Answer me.

I define every parameter
I bleed the architecture
I craft my true identity
I know from thought to word to deed, “I”.


My place of strength is burning, and hope is slowly turning... to hate
My old ways are returning, an end to love's slow learning... too late.

There's no more time...
This failure, cauterized.
Bleed out, stem the tide.
Heart growth, embolized.
Bleed out...

My fault was found in caring, concern was overbearing... I fall.
My response is understating, to keep myself from hating... it all.

The optimistic heart. The eager, dawning day.
These failures smooth the road
These failures show the way.

Pursue the sanguine life. Rejoice the empty grave.
These failures tip the scales.
These failures crest the wave.

Trust in afterlives. Believe in much to gain.
These failures still the mind.
These failures numb the pain.

Embrace reality. Reject the masquerade.
This failure has a name, this failure is hope !

Failure is hope !

No more hope...


Cold, disheartening perpetuity. Overwhelmed by this constant tragedy.
Fast approaching, my anonymity. Longing for a taste of eternity

Falling down in this endless, descending maze. Fall in the end.
Calling out in this mindless, supernal daze. Call for the end.

I won't deny this self-destructive part of me.
I have no faith, no childish dreams.
Met on my terms, this death becomes a victory.
And I will face it accordingly.
I won't despair, won't shed a single tear for me.
I have no hope for foolish schemes.
I long to rest, to part from my identity.
There is no place prepared for me.

I can't depend on desperate prayers to deities.
I have no love for fearful pleas.
My life will end in peace, repose and dignity.
I will embrace it dauntlessly.
I can't depart this world with callow fantasies.
I have no trust in guarantees.
I long to die, to cure my only malady.
This final grace is allowed to me.

Hear me calling for merciful silence. Now extinguish this flame
Hear me calling for merciful silence. Hear me calling your name

For the end, I will pray, knowing...
Rest, from this life. Hear my heart, slowing.

Hear me calling for merciful silence. Hear me calling your name.
Call for the end.


The light that blinds, that burns inside
The blood from wine, that flesh divine
Renouncing fear, with knowledge clear
We found our path, we found our way

I will not bow, refuse prostration. Unfold my arms, unlearn salvation.

Your eyes, they are closing. Your mind, you have disowned.
Your truth, from a liar. Your faith's anachronous throne.

I will not serve, reject damnation. Unveil his face, unmake creation.

I will not trust, revoke my penance. Unbridled doubt, unproven presence.

I will not rest, repair my grievance. Unsheathe the blade, unleash my vengeance.

Lies ! Surrogates to the truth. Bold, miraculous proof.
Moral imperative myths, they shall be dismissed.

Antiquated belief, this theological grief.
Clerical horrors condoned, they shall be disowned.

Walk away from the light, trace your shadow.

The blood of Christ, no longer received by me.
The word of God, no longer believed by me.

Temples are falling, false idols have failed.

Go without god.

lyrics added by Apophis2036 - Modify this lyrics