Resurrected Divinity : Conquered World

Brutal Death / USA
(2023 - Self-Released)



Conflict, struggles, strife, tribulation
Another phase of sorrow gripping hold of my life
The devil and his demons laugh as I endure great strife
But there's one thing that I know
Through this cruel world he'll guide me
Though it batters me on the daily
He has risen far above it all
For he has said to be of good cheer
Through my tribulations this world brings me suffering
But I shall not fear for he has conquered the world
For when there is darkness in my life
I can rest assured he'll shed his light
All my problems will come to pass
I will soon be at peace at last
Laugh in the face of this evil-ran domain
Through every struggle, through all the pain
Praise to the savior who conquered this all
This world may be doomed but I won't fall
Came forth from the Father
Conquered the world
Returned to the Father
But we'll lament no more
The prince of this world now stands condemned
Time to face divine judgment
To stand with Christ is not to fall
For he has conquered it all

;歌词由 添加 Coleiosis - 修改此歌词