Protolith : Light

Sludge Metal / USA
(2010 - Self-Released)
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Autumn skies reflect memories of distant times
Pale eyes saw through the wasted lies
Standing at the edge of the trees
You playback your life in your mind

How did you get yourself in this mess?
You fall to your knees and begin to cry
Your voice echoing through bark and leaves

No more words, no more thoughts, no more memories
Only loneliness remains
A faint smile and sad eyes close
Autumn skies echo eternity


Old man time, your ever weary beard.
Always withering, always dying.
Nothing changes the life cycle.
We pirouette the sundial.
All moons, all years, all days will reach
Their end and pass away.
Nothing changes the life cycle.
We pirouette the sundial.


I, long for a time when
Everything was simple
When our dreams were not so lost and painful

But here I sit alone
With the coldness
And all light is gone
I’ll rest my head

Now, taken back by fruitless tears
I contemplate who I once was
And realize that nothing ever changes

False I dream
Sitting by a road I did not take
I’ll change my ways
I’m strong this time

And yet again
I find myself
At familiar doors
I can see right through

False I dream
Sitting by a road I did not take
I’ll change my ways
I’m strong

For now I wonder
What would have been?
And with cloudy eyes
I open the door


Was I right? Open your eyes.
This conversation's over and I still don't feel contrite
Luminescence in the sky, responsible for the tide.
The naissance of our end has been weaving in the night.
Soft voice set sail with winds of siren's wails.
Soft voice speak low like the churns of beryl flow.
Like a stone we'd sit here forever letting go.
Open your eyes. I'll spend my life in the echoes of goodbye.


Tearing us apart, a deity absolved of a poisoned society
Man must truly be God, for
He is culpable for such wretched deeds;
And yet we all wail upon his absent feet.
Tears matted on our cheeks,
Like drops of blood on graceful fingertips.
This world, affluent in enmity
An archaic book cannot teach you morality.


Moments of inner turmoil, i've only been gleaning.
Spending all that useless time hopelessly believing,
Save the day I see your back when you are finally leaving.
Somber cry, short goodbye--
For you and I, I'll be bereaving.

Hours of ticking clockwork, I have been but dreaming.
Wasting all that useless thought, selfishly deceiving.
Deluded hopes of love anachronize my breathing.
Thoughts unrequited, only blighted--
For you and I, I will be craving.

Days of lonely ennui, I've been by the phone.
Hoping by some volition you would come to call my home.
Marking all those countless days that I will spend alone.
Chalky signs in tallied lines--
For you and I, alone.

Lyrics geaddet von javipitxu - Bearbeite die Lyrics