Bathory : A Tribute to Bathory - Hellas Salutes the Vikings

Epic Black / Sweden
(1997 - Metal Invader)
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Orgy of silence
Conspiracy of peace
Only the sound
Of the cold northern breeze

Twinsun sink fading
Behind the black lake
Asleep is the mountains
Yet the night is awake

Strange is the night
Now black stars rise
And many moons circle
Through silent the night

Along the black mountainside scattered
By the campfires awaiting the dawn
Two times a hundred men in battles
Tried by the steel in the arrow axe and the sword

By battle worn hunger torn awakening
For the sun to break through the cold haze
And for the banners of Ebal to appear
On the hill in the suns first warm rays

The elder among the men looked deep into
The fire and spoke loud with pride
Tomorrow is a fine day to die

Now the morning advance from far east
Now the sun breaks through dust clouds and haze
Now a forest of spears appears on the hill
And steel shines bright in the suns first rays



God of Heaven, Hear my cries of anguish
I'm in pain
I've suffered a thousand deaths but I live on in vain

Death would greet with eternal sleep
My soul would come to peace
My life had ceased
The time was come
Can no-one hear my pleas

Lowered down in the moistly ground
Into the dark and cold
My heart's beat the only sound
Pain tears my limbs and soul

I scream for mercy
Hear my cries
Oh, Lord don't abandon me
I'm so tired
Grant me the eternal sleep

I tear at the lid I'm suffering
In a cold and nameless grave
If Hell is what awaits me
I feel no fright

Buried and forgotten
In a cold and nameless grave
If there's a God in heave
Hear my call from the grave...


Resting by my fire. Looking deep into it's flames.
My mind must have been somewhere else
Far beyond these plains.
I am suddenly aware of a pair of eyes staring at me.
I turn around and behold the most ugly thing I have seen.

The woman standing in the glade like a shadow in the night
Points her wretched finger at me with a wretched smile
And she asks me in a voice that sounds
As if it's been so long since she spoke,
If I seek magic then I should come along

I'm but a man. Mortal, a man.
But she leaves no footprints in the snow
Still I follow on to where she is going
For she has promised me magic if I follow on.

She takes me to a part of these woods few have ever seen.
Where the sun surely won't reach
Still the ground ominously gleams.
She says she's seen me coming and that
She knows where I'll go.
But before I leave she says there
Is this one thing I should know.

She offers me the ability to take a fatal wound.
Every cut by sword or spear
Will be absorbed by her tree-womb
The magic will remain until it's time
For me to part with this mortal world.
And all she'll claim is my young heat.

I'm but a man. Mortal, a man.
And I'll need all the help that I can get.
So I give my heart to the woman of the dark
With or without life is not over yet.

Wing of bat and lizard's eye.
Dust of a star fallen from the sky.
Tears of a virgin, *** of a god.
Thirteen drops of an infant's blood
A twist of a cat's spit and oil of the moon
Stir for a while and very soon
A salve to be applied upon the chest
Close to where the heart beats strong.

No pains will occur when her hand is pushed into my flesh
She'll slowly draw my living heart out of my open chest.
She'll place my heart in the pit of the snake
And behold the years go by.
Hers to keep from the moment when
The time has come for me to die.

By a lake in an open part of the Eternal Woods...

"The one eyed old man had told him of a lake.
Its bottom uniting with the end of the universe,
Fall into it and there is no return.
To reach its bottom will take a thousand generations.
When this world was anew, the one eyed old man,
Then a young wanderer, hidden behind a tree,
Had overheard two gods speak as they walked by.
All the knowledge of all worlds, old and new,
Was kept safe in a lake in a part of the Eternal Woods.
The one eyed old man had found the lake after
Having taken away by a magical blizzard.
Throwing his left eye into its black water he had gained
Not only all the gathered knowledge of all the worlds
He had also been granted the sight into the future.
Set to find this lake, the young man mounts his stallion
Riding with the speed of the winds high in the sky,
He all of a sudden sees the sun reflected in a lake.
Standing by it, he throws both of his eyes into the depths
Now he will not need to stare down
The beast on the day of the Battle.

Now he had gained supreme vision offering his eyes to
The Lake..."


A sorcery written in blood
Whispered by a Witch in the dawn
Summon the darkness pure evil and death
And gather the legions of scorn

The darkness possesses you your soul scream in vain
Tonight the Hellfire shall burn
Thunder and lightning the ancient prediction
The bells chime for Satan's Return...


It's the return of the darkness and evil
It's the return of the fire and flame
It's the return of my master Satan
It's the return of desire and pain

Sacrifice a virgin to the flames of burning Hell
Black Witch of beauty recite the words of spell
Gather masses run in circles scream for mercy cry of pain
No mercy for the blessed in Hell you all will burn in lord Satan's name

Now descend from the burning blasting sky
Holding the reigns ride the night
Satan appear in full glory and pride
The raped souls of Heaven cries

Hell and damnation

It's the return of the darkness and evil
It's the return of the fire and flame
It's the return of my master Satan
It's the return of desire and pain


I love to see you writhe in throe
The more you suffer my lust grows
I slit your throat and tear your flesh
My desire will be your death

Sadist (Tormentor)

I welter in blood I rape and slay
Stab sliver lacerate
so many lusts to satisfy
To still my hunger another must die

Sadist (Tormentor)

"But now the sand of time is running out"
I feel old (so cold)
Can hear the bell toll
So week (must sleep)
Can hear my victims shout
Can't stand their cries their call

I gotta pay for my lusts...
They're dragging me down...


(Father to Son
Father to Son
Father to Son
From Father to Son)

Now born my son I name thee
After the sound of my Hammer's
Beat upon the anvil
On this chilly springtime day

The Hammerchild of my flesh
Of my blood to carry on
When I have reached Oden's end
Of my glorious warrior's trail

(From Father to Son
From Father to Son)

Call upon the spirits of our fathers
Long time gone with thunder
Ask them for truth and courage
When trouble is in your way

Learn to read and understand
The signs to few can clearly vision
Listen carefully to what
The Ravens has to say

Oh, hear the Thunder's roar
Greetings from our fathers long time gone
Tell so that no one ever will forget
What is in heart goes from Father to Son

(From Father to Son
From Father to Son)

Oh, watch the lightning strike
Feel the powers of the Hammer's pounding on
Take it to your heart and understand
What must live on from Father to Son

(From Father to Son
From Father to...)

Promise me my son to always
Cherish what is home to you
What is the truth and to
Defend all of your race

Never lose the values
I have taught to you
Always keep your moral and ideals
Do never bring your flag disgrace

(From Father to Son
From Father to Son)

Promise me my son before my corps
Is turning pale to
Grab my sword hold it to the sky
And call out my hail

Listen for the bronze horns
Watch the lightning strike then
You know I have reached Oden's end
Of my warrior's trail

Oh, my child please take heed
Through you I am granted to live on
These words more worth than you will ever know
Make them live on from Father to Son

(From Father to Son
From Father to Son
From Father to Son
From Father to Son)


Leave the world of mortals to walk
Into the mist to stalk unto the other side
Plains of otherness
The utter emptiness
Where time have ceased and dark and light collide
Crossing the river of death and water cold
Slowly walking up the bridge
The jewelled bridge I walk for what seems a lifetime
In the night it's jewels glow
There on the other side
On shore of no return
The one for me awaits
Cannot avoid the eyes
In which the fire burns
Comed this far it is too late

And He calls my name
First a whispering then louder
And he wants me to follow
And to Enter the Eternal Fire...

I walk this endless night
His eyes the only light
Repeatedly he whispers my name
Fingers move and twist
Through crimson thick dark mist
And voices cry of agony and pain
Close now to his kingdom
The bleak world dark and still
I follow the voice whispering my name
Approach the gate of sin
Opened up to let me in and there, He stand in flames
The price now I must pay for eternity my soul his claim
For years of pleasures, victory and gold
The one who stand in flames
Now rise and walk my way and reach out for my soul

And He calls my name
First a whispering then louder
And he wants me to follow
And to fall down. The Eternal Fire...

I stand at the jaws of the pit
The heat scorch my flesh
The fall seem never to end
My hair burn
My eyes can't see
The flames slowly eat my soul
The pain tears my mind
Hear my cries oh Lord
Have mercy oh Lord
This can't be
Raging flames all over me
Inferno of heat
Oh no, oh no, oh noooooo, noooooo, noooooo...


Haunting the cloudless black sky
Braver at night
Hidden as the lips of her c*nt
She is keeping out of sight

Dark as her closed eyelids
Her secret
She comes to you with a serpent's kiss
She has the power to foresee

She don't fear the flames
She smile at the fire
Whisper the words of spell
Without fear without fright

Born for burning...
Born for burning...
Born for burning...

She can't feel the pain
She gaze at the sky
In the greedy flames
She will burn tonight

The beauty burning
Like the moon at harvest
Her seared flesh falling apart
And feed the hungry flames

Where the flame still bite her thigh
She is not afraid to die
She will burn again tonight
(She will always burn)
But her spirit shall survive...


Grant me the powers of thunder
And give me a sword forged in the raging Hell's fire
Lend me the eight legged black stallion of
Odin and I'll have my vengeance,
Oh, I'll kill with desire

Vengeance flows like boiling poison through my twisted veins
Tonight I'll blood shed with wrath
And set the night on flames
Invincible in battle, wargods hear my deathwish cry
I'll laugh in the face of death, I into glory ride

Snarling breath upon your backs, I'm vengeance incarnate
Now it's time, the moment's come, stand up now, face my hate
See the fire in my eyes, the final light you'll see
I send you to the darkness with
My sword of thunder and steel

I let the bodies lie in shame
I let mighty earth drink their blood
I turn my face to eternal sky
And praise my elders' God
Equimanthorn hear my Hail
You're the mighty four winds night and day
Steel in every warrior's heart and sword
The brave and wise in flesh and soul
Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn,
Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn, Equimanthorn


I swear the oath of blood
And tear the virgin's flesh
I gash the wounds of heaven
And rides the wings of death

Tonight the cauldrons are filled
with brewage made of hate
Tonight we blasphemy
possessed we desecrate

Tonight we raise our cups
And toast in an angels blood
Salute hell's victory
Despise the words of God


Eternal battlefields
No prisoners we take
We rape your sacred souls
Behind the seven gates

Tonight you all will hear
The angels cry of pain
And in the sky you will see
The all eternal flame

On earth you mortal fools
Obey the christian ways
But there is no mighty God
To hear your final prayers


Forks of lightning strikes in the sky
The sound of thunder rolls
Satan, chimes the bell of death
And beckon all your souls

Heaven's angels realizes
There is no place they can hide
Tonight the furnace gates of hell
Stands open wide

Black witch of beauty
Hovers around and cast her spells
Tonight a virgin's womb
Shall breed a son of hell


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