A New Heaven Arise : Pillars

Metalcore / Spain
(2011 - Self-Released)
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You aren't conducted by no one.
Although they are your escort,
A part of who you are,
The motive to hold on.
They all build it up.
Protect this life it's yours.


You rise at the top with your halo,
This contempt overflowing through your veins
Will obscure your thoughts, will empty your scanty life.
This is your unreal creation, from your unreal mind.

Affection has ceased,
Wails are buried under your feet
Try to embed your way and not stumbling again

Be prudent lurking your grounds
You will achieve the truth aflame
Your image in the bog
Recollect your memories

You rise at the top with your halo,
This contempt overflowing through your veins
Will obscure your thoughts, will empty your scanty life.

Memory is locked in the inside,
You've changed the key for a new
Mood, a higher lie.

Breaking your adamant position
Is the solution
Disregard your mind,try to follow your past.

Be prudent lurking your grounds
You will achieve the truth aflame
Your image in the bog
Recollect your memories


You emerged from being no one
To be my light house
In this darkness land.
Let's assume i won't be your warder forever
But sorely inside of me there's spot of hope.

Hear my heart throbbing three miles off from you,
It smoulders as a frail leaf.
Hear my heart throbbing three miles off from you,
Enough reason to risk yourself.

The war between the panic of breaking your monotonous world
And beginning a new life, a fresh breeze of light.
Stop being stout and let yourself in another hands,
Which will revive you, while you were drifting aimlessly.

Visualize all the moments of the past,
Swirling with trepidation in a scarlet background.
Visualize all the moments of the past,
Enlivened you will be.

Dazzled by your complexion
My eyes glisten as you try to enter in my fortress.
With a priceless word
With simple smile.
With a priceless word
With simple smile.

Hear my heart throbbing three miles off from you,
It smoulders as a frail leaf
Hear my heart throbbing three miles off from you,
Enough reason to risk yourself.

Hear my heart throbbing three miles off from you.
Hearing in my nightmares your footsteps
As you try to escape.

Hear my heart throbbing three miles off from you.
My palace begins to fall down, all in a mess.
Fighting desperately to bring you back,
I never solve it, i never reach you!
I've got an awful feeling of

Emptiness inside me,
Until I notice your caresses around my neck.
It doesn't matter if I'm sleeping or I'm awake.


You can't see through everybody!
It's stupid you can't (you can't!)
The only enemy that you've got is your mind
Your fucking mind..

You're scared of being alone with nothing to do,
It makes you suffer, instead of helping !
You're scared of being alone with nothing to do,
Creating chaos from a tiny thought, hidden by the fog..

During the childhood..there are two kind
Of things in your mind..
The ones you want, the ones you have..
As you..grow up you estimate them better..
As if it was an everyday gift..

During the maturity..there are two kind
Of things in your mind..
The people you need and what they need
You notice the embrace of the words..

Your main pillar..is holding your structure..
Don't mind if it's unreasonable
Don't mind if you feel helpless
You notice the embrace of the words..

Your main pillar..is holding your structure..
Embrace the words,embrace the real feelings.
You can't see through everybody!
It's stupid you can't (you can't!)

The only enemy that you've got is your mind
Your fucking mind

You don't want to forget them..you need them to survive!
You don't want to lose them..you need them to survive!

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