An Oath to Forever Defile

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Nom du groupe Ourobiguous
Nom de l'album An Oath to Forever Defile
Type Album
Date de parution 2011
Style MusicalBlack Avantgardiste
Membres possèdant cet album2


1. An Oath to Forever Defile 02:52
2. Those Who Are Damned 02:45
3. Grotesque in Form 05:33
4. All Is One, One Is All 06:09
5. The Beacon 04:07
6. The Truth Behind Truths 01:36
7. The Sinner Within 05:50
8. Raping the Deity of Pius (Exploration of the Self) 04:56
9. The Feast of Cain 07:37
10. Reunion of the Fallen 14:48
Total playing time 56:13

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