Vosselaar 1998 (DVD)

Band's List Heavy Metal Doro Vosselaar 1998 (DVD)
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Band Name Doro
Album Name Vosselaar 1998 (DVD)
Type Bootleg
Released date 17 December 1998
Labels Unknown label
Recorded at Biebob
Music StyleHeavy Metal
Members owning this album1


Recorded live at Biebob, Vosselaar, Belgium, 17/12/1998
1. Touch of Evil
2. I Rule the Ruins
3. Terrorvision
4. Only You
5. Brutal and Effective
6. Metal Tango
7. Bad Blood
8. Pain
9. Burning the Witches
10. Love Me in Black
11. Für Immer
12. Dedication
13. East Meets West
14. Hellraiser
15. Do You Like It ?
16. All We Are
17. Kiss Me Goodbye
18. Hellbound
19. Eye on You
20. Like Whiskey Straight
21. Last Day of My Life
22. Fall for Me Again
23. I Know You by Heart

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