Seeing Sixes all the Way

Band's List NWOBHM Iron Maiden (UK-1) Seeing Sixes all the Way
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Band Name Iron Maiden (UK-1)
Album Name Seeing Sixes all the Way
Type Bootleg
Released date 25 May 1985
Labels Unknown label
Music StyleNWOBHM
Members owning this album2


1. Churchill's Speech
2. Aces High
3. 2 Minutes to Midnight
4. The Trooper
5. Revelations
6. Flight of Icarus
7. Rime of the Ancient Mariner
1. Powerslave
2. Guitar Solo
3. The Number of the Beast
4. Hallowed Be Thy Name
5. Iron Maiden
6. Run to the Hills
7. Running Free
8. Sanctuary

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Iron Maiden (UK-1)