About Spirit of Metal >> new mp3 function on SoM
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Saturday 20 June 2009 - 11:15:24
There is a new function on SoM to listen to mp3 music.
You only need to click on "listen mp3"
Just check out this example:


Saturday 20 June 2009 - 13:06:32
This is a bad thing for me. You need flash to listen to the mp3 file and i don't have flash and i can't get it either.

Saturday 20 June 2009 - 18:03:45
I like it, nice!

Why can't you get flash!

Saturday 20 June 2009 - 18:45:13

citation :
Earine says : I like it, nice!

Why can't you get flash!

Flash is only availible on windows. I use Free BSD open source.

Saturday 20 June 2009 - 19:05:28

citation :
dawn_of_metal says :

citation :
Earine says : I like it, nice!

Why can't you get flash!

Flash is only availible on windows. I use Free BSD open source.

Oh, isn't there a "flash player" for FreeBSD? I thought you could use GNU Gnash.